Chapter 37

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"I-I'm sorry, Sheriff?"


"Sheriff Farley," Amelia cleared her throat, "I'm sorry but I don't think I can hunt him down."

Farley raised his eyebrow. "And why is that?"

"Well, that's Dutch Van Der Linde. And I heard he runs with a big gang. Hunting him down would be a suicide mission, and I ain't quite ready to die just yet."

"Isn't bringing in bounties your specialty?"

"Yes, but only if they're easy targets," she gestured down to the poster, "that man might have a high price on his head, but Dutch's boys are a bad crew."

"Have you had a run in with them?" He sat down at his desk.

Amelia shook her head. "Fortunately, no. But I read about them in the newspaper quite a bit. I heard some bad things, and I ain't willing to put my life on the line for a bounty."

"Very well," he said with a sigh, "but there ain't gonna be any new posters until he's caught."

Amelia nodded. "Thank you for your time then, Sheriff." She tipped her hat and walked out. She headed down the hill to where she left Astrid and climbed up. "Unbelievable," she muttered.

Her next stop was Valentine.


Amelia arrived late in the afternoon. She looked around, cautious of her surroundings before dismounting Astrid and tethering her to a hitching post. She opened the door and a deputy greeted her.

"Ah, Miss Davis," he chuckled, "was wondering when we would see you again."

"Deputy Barnett." She tipped her hat.

"I'm afraid Sheriff Hoosier isn't in today, but there is a poster on the wall there, if that's what you're looking for."

Amelia hummed and glanced at the wall. She was about to grab it but stopped in her tracks when she recognized the face. This time, it wasn't Dutch. It wasn't even Micah or Hosea. This one made her angry.

Arthur Morgan. Wanted for murder. Five thousand dollar reward.

Amelia shook her head and angrily tore the poster down. She looked over at Barnett.

"What the hell is this?" She snapped.

"The bounty?"

"Yes the bounty you dupek." She held up the poster. "What the fuck is this?"

"That was sent from Rhodes! That's all I know, I swear!"

Amelia let out a sigh before walking out.

"Hey!" Barnett yelled as he followed her out. "Are you getting that bounty then?"

"No," Amelia replied as she climbed up on Astrid.

"Well, we need that poster then-"

"Well you ain't getting the poster," Amelia stared down at him, "and whoever ordered this bounty will be sorry, so help me god." She turned Astrid and headed on her way to Rhodes.


Amelia kicked in the door of the Sheriffs office and looked around. The new Sheriff, Harmon Thomas, stood from his seat at the desk and stared at her. Three other deputies had their guns ready.

"What the hell?" He said.

"What is this about?" She held up the poster, walking towards him. She slammed it down on the desk.

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