Chapter 47

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Amelia brought her things outside and attached them to Amberley's saddle. She climbed up and waited for Arthur. He brought the last of the food out and loaded it up on a wagon he bought in town. He held out his hand as Mary-Beth came over. She took it and he helped her up into the wagon.

Hosea was helping the other girls in the second wagon. Arthur was driving one of the wagons while Hosea drove the other one. Amelia was to make sure Silver Dollar and Duke followed behind them. She covered the back while Arthur covered front.

They began making their long journey to Big Valley, West Elizabeth. It was a one day trip. They stopped somewhere to rest before they made it to where they were going.

Arthur and Amelia found a cabin for sale. They looked around it before they bought it. Sheppard's Rise. Nice little place, it would be good for them. It was a two bedroom, but they used the second bedroom for storage. They said their goodbyes to Hosea and the girls and began to settle in the new place.

"Hey," Amelia walked up to Arthur, who was doing dishes, "I'm getting ready to go do a bounty. You wanna come?"

"No, I'm okay." He leaned down to give her a quick kiss, "be careful though, okay?"

"I will," Amelia walked towards the door and outside. She climbed up on Amberley and began making her way to Strawberry.


"Does it look like I'm gaining weight to you?" Amelia asked as she stood in front of the bedroom mirror. She had just got home from a bounty and was changing out of her bounty clothes into some more comfortable clothes.

Arthur looked over at her. "Not really," he stood, walking over to her, "why?"

"It looks like I am," she pressed her shirt into her body, "I mean, I've always been so skinny, but now it looks like I'm starting to gain a little weight."

Arthur wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his head into the back of her neck. "I still think you look the same as when I met you."

"Eleven years ago?" Amelia looked back at him.

He chuckled. "Let me rephrase," he kissed her neck lightly, "when I ran into you again."

Amelia hummed. She brought her hand up and ran her fingers through his hair. She let out a sigh. "I can't believe I'm living with you."

"Is that a bad thing?"

She shook her head. "No, not it all," she brought her hand down, "it's just unbelievable."

Arthur hummed. "Well, start believing it."

Amelia turned herself around. "I guess I am." She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. "So, what's on the agenda today?"

"Might go visit Marston. Heard he was up in Great Plains."

"What about your bounty?"

"Slowly paying it off."

"Why don't we send a telegram and ask him to come here?"

He shrugged. "That would be safer."

"Uh huh," Amelia poked his chest before walking out of the bedroom, "what do you want for dinner?"

"Anything, doesn't matter to me," he followed her out, "should I just send a letter to Blackwater?"

Amelia chuckled. "No, you go to the post office and ask to send a telegram."

"To who?"

"Well," Amelia grabbed a rag, "probably send his initials just in case he does something stupid. Knowing Marston, he probably has."

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