Chapter 30

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"Horseshit," Bill mumbled as they returned to camp. "Jack weren't even there!"

"Who is this Angelo Bronte guy?" Amelia asked, keeping her rifles on Astrid's saddle.

"I don't know. That woman said he was in Saint Denis, so I guess we're goin there first thing tomorrow." Dutch explained, making his way to his tent. "These inbred families." He shook his head.

"They got some issues," Amelia sighed, plopping down at the table in the middle of camp, "and what's this I hear about gold?"

"There is no gold." John huffed.

"Another plan perfectly executed." Arthur mumbled.

"It's just a little setback," Hosea replied, patting the outlaws shoulder, "we'll find money."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Arthur looked up at the old man. "We've robbed lots of banks, we rob stages all the damn time, and we rob important people with the Pinkertons breathing down our necks, what else can we do, Hosea?" He was yelling.

"Arthur!" Amelia swatted his arm. "Stop bein an ass."

"I'm bein an ass? Really, Amelia?" Arthur glared at her.

"Yes you are," Amelia pointed to his tent, "go cool off. You're too worked up."

"I'm fine-"

"You are not fine, now go."


"Listen to your woman, Arthur." John stated. "I've learned that the hard way."

Arthur growled but reluctantly went to his tent. Dutch returned from his tent a few minutes later. He sat down across the table. Amelia stood, letting John have a seat. Hosea sat next to him, patting his arm.

"It's gonna work out, John, it's gonna work out."

Dutch sighed. "I don't expect you to understand this but I have never been more proud of you than I am right now, brother. Your doing the right thing."

"If I don't get that boy back safe, I'm-" he paused, "she, she'll kill us all."

Amelia propped her foot up on a chair, leaning against it. She looked over the three sitting at the table.

"I know," Dutch replied, "but looking at this logically, that boy is fine. They took him to scare us. Nobody takes a boy to harm him."

"He's right, John." Hosea stated.

Dutch looked up at Amelia, Hosea following his gaze. "What do you think, Amelia?"

Amelia was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Dutch to bring her into this.

"I think the boy will be okay. He's strong," Amelia reached over, playfully shoving John's shoulder, "just like his father."

John smiled, happy with her reaction. Amelia returned the smile. "But of course John is scared. I mean, it's his son. And Abigail is about to blow a fuse if she hasn't already. And from what I've heard, getting in the middle of those families wasn't a bright idea either. Y'all just stirred the pot for nothin."

"No, no, not for nothing," Dutch began, "for living. Now we get that boy back and we go," he looked over at John, "trust me."

"Hey Dutch," they all turned their heads when Lenny's voice called. "We got a problem."

Amelia widened her eyes as two men dressed in city suits walked in, one of them holding a shotgun. She looked over at Dutch, who had dropped his head in irritation.

"Not a problem," one of them said, "visitors. A solution." He looked around. "Good day fine people. Mr. Van Der Linde, Mr. Matthews I presume." His gaze wandered up to John who had stood up. "And who are you?"

"Rip Van Winkle." John stated.

Amelia stifled back a laugh as Arthur walked out of his tent, joining the crowd. He walked up next to Amelia.

"Huh. Good day, sir." He paused. "Agent Milton, Pinkerton Detective Agency. Agent Ross." He looked over at Arthur. "Ah, Mr. Morgan, nice to see you again."

"And to what do we owe the pleasure, Agent Moron?" Dutch said from his seat. 

"I don't know if you're aware, but this," he paused, "this is a civilized land now. We didn't kill all them savages only to allow the likes of you to act like human dignity and basic decency was outmoded or not yet invented. This thing, it's done."

"This place," Dutch stood, "ain't no such thing as civilized. It's man so in love with greed he has forgotten himself and found only appetites."

"And as a consequence that lets you take what you please, kill whom you please, and hang the rest of us? Who made you the messiah to these lost souls you've led so horribly astray?"

"I'm nothing but a seeker, Mr. Milton."

"You ain't much of anything more than a killer, Mr. Van Der Linde. But I came to make a deal. It's time. You come with me," he looked over at Dutch, "and I give the rest of ya three days to run off, disappear, and go and live like human beings someplace else."

"You came for me?" Dutch faked a smile. "Risk life and limb in this den of lowlifes and murderers so that they might live and love? Well, ain't that fine." He laughed, a few other of gang members joining in. Amelia kept a straight face, as did Arthur.

"I don't wanna kill all these folk, Dutch. Just you."

Dutch raised his hands I surrender. "In that case," he began to walk forward, "it'd be my honor to join you. Excuse me, friends," he looked around, "I have an appointment to keep with."

Everyone pulled out their side arms, pulling back the hammers. Amelia pulled out her two Semi Automatic Pistols, loading them and pulling back the hammers. Milton glared at everyone around the camp.

"I think your new friend should leave now, Dutch." Miss Grimshaw piped in.

"You're making a big mistake," Milton hissed, "all of you."

Dutch chuckled. "Yeah, dreadful. We have got something, something to live and die for. How awful for us, Mr. Milton." He walked close to the agent, glaring down into his eyes. "Stop following us, we'll be gone soon."

Milton sighed. "I'm afraid I can't. And when I return I'll be with fifty men. All of you will die. Run away from this place, you fools. Run!"

"Come on." Lenny grabbed his arm forcefully. Milton recoiled and scowled down at the young man.

"Get your damn hands off me, boy."

Everyone watched as the two city men walked out of camp. Once they were out of earshot, Arthur growled and looked at Dutch.

"What now?"

"We get outta here, and quick," he paused, glancing at Amelia and then back to Arthur, "any ideas?"

Arthur nodded. "I know a big old house hidden in the swamps outside Saint Denis. I'm sure they'll find us eventually, but it should buy us a few days."

"A few days is all we need." Dutch says with a smirk.

"It's a spot out by Shady Belle. Lenny and I got into that dispute with the previous occupiers," Arthur nodded to the young man. Lenny nodded in confirmation as Dutch glanced back at him before looking back at Arthur. "Place is well hidden." Arthur continued.

Dutch let out a sigh as he looked up. "John, you and Amelia join Arthur. Ride out and make sure no one else has moved in." He turned around. "Lenny," he pointed, "you go follow those fools outta here, make sure that they leave." He paused, "and John, we'll get Jack back and we'll get gone." He looked around. "Rest of you, get packing!"

Amelia looked around the small camp as everyone went to start packing. She shook her head as she adjusted her hat and walked up to Astrid. She paused as she watched John climb up on his Hungarian, Old Boy before climbing up on her Skewbald Gypsy Cob. Arthur followed, climbing up on his Shire. They all led the three large horses out of Clemens Point. Amelia looked back at the camp once more before following the two outlaws to the outskirts of Saint Denis.

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