Chapter 103

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"Momma-" Erika covered her mouth as she stared at her mother.

Arthur growled as he took the gun. He wasn't happy about this, but he was proud at the same time. The only issue is now there is an injured person on his front lawn, who happened to be his ex fiancé, and her family as well.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked, placing the gun in his holster.

"What's wrong with me?" Amelia hissed. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"No, I ain't." He turned his head as he walked towards Mary, who was gasping for air as a single bullet hole was in her hip. She had dodged the bullet, only to have it go in her hip instead of her stomach. He crouched down next to her.

"Mary?" Arthur said loudly. "Mary, can you hear me?"

Mary nodded. Truth is, she couldn't hear him. It was all faded and echoed. She looked away, seeing her brother and father stare at her in horror.

Arthur looked up to what she was staring at. He realized and looked over at Amelia.

"Amelia," he stood, "you deal with her. I'm gonna go have a talk with her father and Jamie."

"I ain't goin near that woman-"

"Do you wanna be arrested again?" Arthur asked as he walked over to her. "Do you really want to risk bein hanged again? To never see our kids, our family, me?"

"She should've left-"

"You didn't have to shoot her!" Arthur stared down at her. "Yeah, I know. Seems like I'm takin her side, but I ain't. Yes, she should've left. Yes, she shouldn't have even came here, and yes, she was in the wrong for even thinking that it was okay. But if she dies and her family sees it, that puts you in the gallows in front of everyone who loves you, do you understand that?"

Amelia stared up at him. She nodded her head slowly.

Arthur nodded. "Good. Now, I want you to take her to the doctors so I can talk to her father. And just as a precaution, I want you to take Nick with you."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "I ain't gonna do anything-"

"You just shot somebody in front of our kids, let alone it bein my ex fiancé. I wouldn't put it past you to make sure she dies on the way." He looked over at his two kids. "Nick, go with your mother, take the wagon and you're driving, understand boy?"

"Yes Pa." Nick said, stepping away from Erika. He ran out to the barn to get the wagon.

"Erika," Arthur continued, "go get some blankets and towels."

Erika nodded and went inside, only to return as Nick drove the wagon up in front of the house. Arthur lifted up Mary and placed her in the back of the wagon after Erika had put the soft pallets down. He helped Amelia in the back next to her and grabbed her arm before she could settle.

"Amelia, you need to make sure she doesn't squeal," he said softly, "I mean it."

She nodded and sat down next to her. Nick left quickly, driving as fast as he could with his mother and Mary in the back.


"Your wife just shot my daughter-"

"I know she did," Arthur tried to settle Mr. Gillis down, "and she had no right to do that, but she and our son are heading to the doctors office now so she can get help, now please, calm down."

Mr. Gillis stood as he growled. Arthur had invited him and Jamie inside so they could talk this out like gentleman, but so far, it consisted of Mr. Gillis screaming at him and Arthur trying to defuse the situation.

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