Chapter 48

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Amelia slept in that morning. She was in no mood to move at all. Turns out, finding out you're pregnant takes a toll on your body. Arthur was awake first, getting up early to make her breakfast. He did his best to climb out of bed without waking the beautiful woman next to him, but he still failed, stirring her with his movement. But lucky for him, she fell right back asleep as fast as she did waking up.

Arthur simply chuckled as he slowly slipped out of the bedroom. He walked to the laundry room and pulled on a pair of clean jeans before heading back to the kitchen. He didn't feel like putting on a shirt, so all he wore was some dingy old socks and jeans while he cooked.

Amelia woke up not too long before breakfast was ready. She stretched out in the big bed before slowly sitting up, dangling her tired legs over the edge of the bed. She yawned before running one hand through her mess of blonde curls and standing up. She walked over to the bedroom mirror and looked at herself. She wasn't wearing any clothes, which made her stomach stick out more.

She hummed as she rubbed it lightly. She ran her fingers over her growing breasts, realizing how sore they felt. She hummed again before pulling on a pair of underwear and walking over to the closet. She shifted through Arthur's shirts before finding his stained blue everyday shirt. She smiled as she brushed her finger over the collar.

She finally pulled it down from the hanger and unbuttoned it. She pulled it over her shoulders and buttoned every single one of them to make it fit. She held her arms out and chuckled as they went well past her hands. She rolled them up and pinned them with a hair pin from her vanity before pulling her hair back and pinning it to keep out of her face. She looked at herself in the bedroom mirror once more and decided no pants since she was feeling too lazy to bother.

So, she walked out of the room wearing only underwear and one of Arthur's shirts. She slowly made her way to the kitchen and stopped in the doorway. Arthur was making scrambled eggs as he stood over the stove, whistling a tune he had heard sung in camp one night. He couldn't remember the words for the life of him, but he knew the sound. He whistled it softly as he cooked. Just as he got a glass down from one of the cabinets, he heard Amelia chuckle from behind him.

He turned around and raised his eyebrows at the sight of Amelia in only a shirt of his. She shook her head and laughed as she walked over.

"No shirt today, huh?" She asked, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck.

Arthur hummed, kissing the top of her head. "I see you decided no pants."

"Yeah well," she pulled away, walking over to the stove, "you try being pregnant, then tell me if you feel like putting on pants, okay?" She looked over at him as she picked up a wooden spoon.

"Ah," Arthur quickly took the spoon from her hands, "you, my lovely little woman, go get a book and have a seat while I continue with breakfast."

"Excuse me?" She placed her hands on her hips. "I'm not incapable of doing work around the house, thank you."

"I know you're not, but," he held the spoon up as she tried reaching for it, "I am making breakfast for you."

She growled as she craned her head upwards. "Fine," she began walking away, "but you better not make this a regular thing, Mr. Morgan."

"I'll think about it." He chuckled and went back to cooking.

Amelia scoffed and plopped down on the couch. She picked up her favorite book from the nightstand and sat in the sunlight while she read. She was slowly making progress before Arthur approached her with a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. She smiled as she looked down at the plate he set on the couch.

"Thank you." She said as she set her book down. She picked up the plate and began eating as Arthur kissed her forehead before sitting down with his own plate next to her.

"So," he asked after he took a bite and swallowed, "what's on the agenda for today?"

"Sit around and read." She replied, her mouth full of eggs.

"No bounty hunting?"

She shook her head. "Absolutely not."

Arthur hummed. "You know," he began, "I may have found a way to pay off the remainder of my bounty."

"Oh yeah?" She looked over at him, "how so?"

"Some farmer," he set down his plate, "said he needed some help with bringing his land back so he would be able to grow crops. But, he didn't have enough hands to help, plus some gang has been riding in, destroying the land. Said if I could take care of those guys, and help him get his crops back on track, he would pay off my bounty in full."

"Seriously?" Amelia smiled brightly. "Honey, that's wonderful!" She hugged him tightly. "Did you tell him yes?"

"I said I had to run it by you first, and then I would get back to him."

"Well, what are you waiting for!" She nudged him, "go get ready and tell him!"

"Now, hold on," he sat up straight and looked her in the eyes, "that means, I'll be gone most of the day, and I'll only be here a couple hours in the morning, and a few hours at night."

"Arthur," she chuckled as she set her plate aside, "that's fine. You need to pay off your bounty," she looked up at him, "if I need something, I'll come to you."

"Are you sure?"

Amelia nodded. "I'm sure," she smiled, "now go! Hurry!" She laughed and watched as he jogged to their bedroom. He came out about ten minutes later dressed and ready for the day. He kissed Amelia deeply before heading out the door.

Amelia chuckled as she made her way to the bedroom. She pulled on a pair of jeans and headed back to the living room. She leaned back against the couch, picking up her book again. She read through a few chapters until a knock sounded at the front door. She struggled to stand up but then once she did, she made her way to the front door. She peeked out the curtains to see who knocked and saw a familiar man that made her smile.

She opened the door and smiled brightly. "I see you found the place alright, John."

He chuckled. "I did."

"Come on in," Amelia stepped out of the way for him to come in, "you just missed Arthur. He went to go find some work."

He nodded and stepped in. Amelia shut the door and began walking towards the couch. She sat down, one leg tucked underneath the other. John spied her stomach and smiled.

"I see you and Arthur finally got down to business." He said with a chuckle as he sat down next to her.

"Huh?" She raised an eyebrow.

He gestured down to her belly.

Amelia followed his gaze and laughed. "Oh, yeah," she shook her head, "this was an accident, believe it or not."

"Oh, I believe it," he laughed, "Arthur was never really one for kids."

"Is that so?" Amelia asked curiously.

"I mean, he had a son once, but him and his mother passed away a while ago. After that, he didn't really want much to do with kids. But then, when Jack was born, he loved being 'Uncle Arthur.' Said it fit him more than 'Pa' or 'Dad.'"

Amelia hummed. "Do you think he'll be good with this child?" She said softly.

John smiled. "Amelia, I ain't ever seen that man more in love with someone as much as he is with you. He was so excited when you two finally got together, I can't even tell you how many times his mind wandered on a train job we did a couple days later. Having a kid with you, Amelia, oh he will be so happy. Him knowing that you're carrying his child, trust me. He will do everything in his power to make sure both of you will be cared for and loved unconditionally." He patted her knee. "You ain't got nothin to worry about here, Amelia."

She smiled. "Thanks, John."

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