Chapter 95

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Erika was outside the doctor's office ready to go home. Her stitches were out and her scar was slowly healing. The doctor did warn her that it will always be there, but she didn't mind. She had seen her father with many scars littering his body and her mother had a few scars of her own as well. Her father simply said that it showed how strong she was. Even the scar her Uncle John had was kind of cool in her eyes.

Erika patted Nightingale's forehead as she waited for her parents. They all planned on riding back home together, assuming there would be no trouble. But Arthur was sure there wasn't going to be any since they were traveling in a big group.

Arthur walked out, followed by Amelia. Nick was next to Bourbon while Hosea and the Marston's carried out some food from the general store for the trip home.

"Are we ready?" Erika asked.

Amelia nodded. "I think so." She patted Cowboy's neck before climbing onto his tall frame.

"Let's get goin home." John said as he climbed up on Rachel. He held his hand out to help Abigail on the back.

Nick walked around his Dutch Warmblood but paused before climbing up. He stepped away and walked towards his sister and the big American Standardbred. He hoisted her up on Nightingale's back with ease before walking back towards Bourbon and climbing up. They then began the long ride back to West Elizabeth.


"Here," Amelia sat down next to Erika on the couch, "let's see how that scar is healing up."

"Momma," Erika swatted her mother's hands away from her stomach, "you just saw it this morning."

Amelia hummed. "And the doctor said we need to check on it every few hours to make sure there's no infection."

"If there wasn't an infection this morning, there isn't going to be one now." Erika huffed. "Just let it go, Ma. It wasn't that bad-"

"You almost died," Amelia reminded, "that is pretty bad."

"I was fine." Erika argued.

Amelia stood and held up her hands. "Okay."

"Can I go out to the barn?" Erika asked as she leaned forward.

"Take Nick with you."

Erika quickly stood and headed towards her brother's room. She knocked three times until she heard shuffling in his room. She stepped back as the doorknob twisted and opened.

"Momma said if I wanna go out to the barn, you have to come with." Erika said as she rocked back and forth on her feet. "Will you come?"


"Please?" She folded her hands and stuck out her bottom lip. "Pretty please?"

Nick shook his head and laughed. "Alright," he gestured to the back door, "come on then."

Erika squealed with joy as she darted out the back door. This grabbed Arthur's attention as he walked outside his bedroom. He looked down the hall as the back door shut. His eyebrow arched as he walked into the kitchen where his wife was leaning against the counter with a coffee cup in hand.

"Where are they goin?" He asked as he walked over to her.

"Erika wanted to go out to the barn, I told her Nick had to go with her."

Arthur hummed, looking out the kitchen window above the sink. He saw both of his kids run into the barn and looked down at Amelia. She raised her mug up to her lips and just as she was about to take a sip, Arthur grabbed it and raised it up so she couldn't reach.

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