Chapter 11

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Amelia stared at the man in shock. He wanted her to hunt and kill the man that had saved her? What did he have against him? She continued to stare at him.


Amelia looked down and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mister?"


"Mr. Gillis. I'm sorry, but that is the one person that I refuse to kill."

"Ten thousand."

Ten thousand? That would set her up for weeks. Hell she could buy a bigger house with that! She still shook her head. "No matter how big of an offer you give me, I won't hunt him down." Amelia stood. "I appreciate the offer and your hospitality, Mr. Gillis."

"Miss Davis, please." He begged.

Amelia sighed and looked behind her at him. "Mr. Gillis-"

"He's an outlaw, murderer, and thief."

Amelia widened her eyes. She didn't know he was an outlaw. She sighed and leaned on one foot. "Where can I find him?"


Arthur was sitting at camp in his tent writing in his journal. It had been a while since he wrote anything. He specifically told Dutch that he didn't want to be bothered today. When questioned why, he simply told him that he just wanted to be left alone.

"Everything okay, Arthur?" Mary-Beth asked from outside.

"Fine," he replied.

"You don't look fine."

Arthur looked up from his journal and sighed. "Come on in."

Mary-Beth came in and sat down next to him. "What's troubling you?"

"Just ran into a girl."


Arthur shook his head. "No, wasn't Mary. It was a girl I helped years ago."


"Yeah. Stayed with her for a week."

"You saint, Arthur Morgan." She chuckled.

"Well, she's angry with me."


"Bill went to rob her after I told him not to. And then I guess she's a professional bounty hunter and I've been taking bounties trying to earn some money, so I've been cutting her short."

"Did you know she was a bounty hunter?"


"Then it ain't your fault, Arthur."

"That's what I was trying to tell her. But she's stubborn and won't listen. She said if I ever came near her again, then she'll kill me. So I can't really do anything at this point."

Mary-Beth smiled and laid a hand on his shoulder. "I would keep trying to talk to her. Women can be stubborn, but you don't deserve the treatment after you saved her."

"Thanks, Mary-Beth."

"Anytime." She stood and walked out of Arthur's tent.

Arthur sighed and leaned his head back against the wagon that held up his tent. He wasn't sure how he was gonna convince her but he had to at least try. Somehow.


Amelia sat at the bar, munching on her food while nursing a bottle full of whiskey. She wasn't sure what to do. She would love the money, but she couldn't hurt Arthur, let alone kill him.

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