Chapter 9

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"Good work, Amelia." Sheriff Gray praised as she put Lindsey Wofford in a cell. Amelia walked over to the desk as he laid a wad of cash on the table.

"Thank you, kindly." She tipped her hat to him as she took the money, counting it.

"I hope to see you again, Miss Davis?"

"We'll see," Amelia began to walk out of Sheriff Grays office. She climbed up on Astrid and began making her way back to Valentine. It was still early in the afternoon when she arrived. She decided to drink for a little bit at the smaller saloon near the church. She tethered Astrid outside and began up the steps. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Arthur, already drunk, leaning on the bar. He was taunting an older gentleman.

"Whadda gonna do, huh?" He said, slurring his words.

"Back off, you drunk bastard." The older man shoved Arthur away from him. "I ain't gonna tell ya again!"

"I ain't drunk, buddy-"

"Hey!" Amelia yelled. The pair of men looked up at her. "That's enough, Arthur."

"You know this fella?" The older gentleman asked.

"Yeah," Amelia began walking towards them, "he botherin ya?"

"He has been for the past hour!"

Hour? How was he not passed out yet?

Amelia chuckled and clapped Arthur on the shoulder. "Come on, let's go take a walk."

"I ain't goin with you-"

"Yes, you are," Amelia wrapped her arm around his shoulder, leading him out of the bar. Once they were outside, Amelia shoved him down the steps. He stumbled down, but stayed upright.

"What the hell, Amelia!" He hissed, looking back at her.

"Go sleep it off before I knock your ass out." She retorted, backing away into the saloon. She huffed as she leaned on the bar, ordering herself a beer. She looked over at the man Arthur had been taunting. "You okay, buddy?"

"Fine," he said sharply. "I bout beat the hell outta him."

"You ain't the only one who wants to."


Amelia walked inside the general store, looking for some supplies she needed. It was the next day, and she had hardly slept last night. She looked around, grabbing what she needed and walking over to the counter. She laid everything out and as the cashier was ringing her up, a woman walked through the doors. It was the same woman from yesterday who was arguing with that man at the train station. Amelia narrowed her eyes as they made eye contact.

"I saw you yesterday," the woman sighed, "at the train station, right?"

"Right," Amelia started, "arguing with a man. You left the station in a hurry, Miss...?"

"Mary Linton. Misses."

"My apologies."

Mary walked over to Amelia, still keeping a good distance but she could see her facial features clearly. Mary nodded her head and let out a small chuckle.

"I believe this would be a good time to tell me your name, Miss?"

"Oh!" Amelia laughed as she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Linton, my head is everywhere today," Amelia held out her hand. "Amelia Davis."

Mary shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Davis?" She questioned.

"Yes, I haven't taken a suitor nor do I plan to."

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