Chapter 90

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Arthur and Charles arrived in Strawberry late in the morning. Charles went up to the Sheriffs Office while Arthur checked the Welcome Center. Charles walked inside and looked around before seeing Sheriff Farley cleaning a shotgun.

"Can I help you?" He asked, looking up at Charles.

"I'm looking for two women. One of them a teenager. Brown hair, dark blue eyes, about five one, and an older woman. Blonde hair, blue eyes, about five seven."

Sheriff Farley scrunched his eyebrows, thinking. "The older woman, you talking about Sadie Adler, the bounty hunter?"


"She was in here earlier today. Didn't see her with a teenager though."

"Any idea where she went?"

"I believe she was heading for that bounty I sent out."


"New Austin."

"Thank you." Charles tipped his hat and walked out. Arthur walked out of the Welcome Center at the same time.

"Anything?" Arthur asked as Charles approached him.

"Sadie was headed towards New Austin."

"Guy said he saw Erika and Sadie early this morning. Sadie was arguing with Erika about a bounty."

"The bounty is in New Austin. Amelia and Hosea are already headed that way, so I reckon they'll find her if she went there. But I doubt it since Sadie wouldn't allow Erika to do this in the first place. How about you go back home, see if they show up there, okay?"

"What about you?"

"I'm gonna stick around in case they show up here again."

Arthur nodded. "Alright. Thank you, Charles."

"Of course."


Sadie followed Erika closely, keeping an eye on her as they went after this bounty. Sadie found out that arguing with this sixteen year old girl was useless. She was bullheaded like her mother. She let out a breath as they entered Hennigan's Stead.

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." Sadie grunted.

"I do," Erika looked back at her, "I hear about your bounties all the time from Uncle John and Aunt Abigail."

Sadie didn't respond.

"Is it true that you and Uncle John almost got eaten by a bear?" Erika asked with excitement.

"Yeah," Sadie replied, "almost."

"That must've been exciting."

"Exciting isn't the word I would use."

"What else has happened on your years of bounty hunting?"

"I've almost been killed several times."

Erika's face went blank. "Really?"

Sadie nodded. "Which is why I didn't want you goin on this in the first place. Anything happens to you, I can almost guarantee that your Ma and Pa would kill me themselves."

Erika hummed. "Well, maybe you can show me how it's done."

"By taking this bounty?" Sadie looked over at her. "Erika, this man is dangerous. You'd have better luck going after a female bounty than this one."

"I heard that's how Ma almost died one time. She was going after a female bounty."

"That was one time, Erika. Some bounties are more dangerous than others. But this man went on a murdering spree, that's why I specifically told you no."

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