Chapter 67

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Amelia was the first one awake the next morning. Or at least that's what she thought. She climbed over Arthur and slipped on a robe and quietly made her way out to the living room. Amelia was careful so she didn't wake up Jane and Joseph, who were both still fast asleep. She walked down the hall to the kitchen, where she saw Nick sitting on the kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffee.

He looked over at her and she crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. He let out a sigh and slipped down.

"Yeah, yeah, I know better."

Amelia hummed, walking over to the cabinet to grab a cup before pouring herself a cup of coffee. She leaned on the counter and sipped it slowly. She looked over at Nick.

"What're you doin up so early?" She asked.

He shrugged. "Erika was up before I was."

"Where is she?"

"Out in the barn tending to the horses."


"Come on girl," Erika tried to coax one of the Female Dark Bay Andalusians, Isabelle, to eat a carrot. Arthur had caught this one in the wild and she refused to eat anything.

"Isabelle," Erika sighed, "you gotta eat somethin."

Cowboy whinnied in the stall next to the mare. Erika peeked her head inside and he instantly pushed his head into her neck. Erika smiled and patted the side of his head. She then had an idea.

She opened Cowboy's stall and lead him out towards one of the pens. She closed him in and then went back to Isabelle's stall. She led her out and put her in the pen next to Cowboys. She brought a hay bale to both of their pens and Cowboy instantly started to munch on the hay. Erika took a step back and watched as Isabelle watched Cowboy eat happily.

She looked down at the hay bale and back up at Cowboy before following his lead and munching slowly on the food. Her eyes widened and she started eating more. Erika grinned at her success and leaned on Isabelle's pen, watching her eat.

"That's a good girl." She cooed, patting her neck.

Erika looked up as she heard hooves pounding on the ground up the drive. It was her Uncle John riding in with Abigail. Erika smiled as her Aunt dismounted and walked over to her.

"Hey trouble maker," she smiled as she hugged her niece, "what you up to so early?"

"I was trying to get Isabelle to eat," she gestured to the mare, "she finally did following Cowboys example."

"Good." She walked over to the pen Cowboy was in, "he's a good leader, ain't he?"

"All Gypsy Cobs are, ain't they?" Erika questioned.

"Amberley was a good leader." John said, tethering Rachel, his Female Seal Brown Thoroughbred, "so was Astrid."

"I never learned much about Astrid," Erika leaned on Isabelle's pen, "but I remember Amberley. I miss her."

"So does your momma." Abigail ran her hand through Erika's brown curls, "but Cowboy is a good one."

"He is," Erika smiled. "But I still miss Amberley."

Amelia came out the house just then, walking down the porch steps. She smiled at the familiar family talking with her daughter. She walked over and raised an eyebrow at Isabelle, who was still munching happily on the hay.

"She's eating?" She looked over at Erika. "How did you manage that?"

"Leading by example," Erika gestured to her mother's Gypsy Cob, "he's a good boy."

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