Chapter 49

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Amelia was now twenty three weeks pregnant. Moving around was harder, and she felt her baby growing more and more. She tired much easier, so doing work around the house was difficult. But she eventually got it done by the time Arthur came home. He came home one night to find her passed out on the couch, sleeping soundly.

He smiled as he slipped off his boots and hung his hat up. He walked over to her and maneuvered his arms to lift her up and carry her to their shared bedroom. He laid her down and brushed a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear before covering her up with their quilt. He planted a kiss on her forehead before heading out to the living room. He plopped down on the couch and leaned his elbows on his knees. He took in a breath before running his hand through his hair.


Amelia was the first awake, mostly due to the fact that she ran to the bathroom to puke. Arthur was quickly by her side, holding her hair back as she emptied her stomach. She sat back on her knees as she leaned her head against the wall. The puking was so intense, she had tears running down her cheeks and sweat beaded her forehead.

Arthur got a wash cloth cold with water and wiped her forehead. She felt another wave of puke coming as she belched over into the toilet bowl again. She kept puking, which was starting to worry Arthur. Amelia grasped his arm tightly, feeling the tears run down her cheeks as she finally felt her stomach relax. She took in a big breath, looking over at him. He smiled weakly and wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"You okay?" He asked softly.

She nodded and leaned her head against his chest. He sat down, adjusting so Amelia could sit in between his legs. She moved slowly, resting her head against his shoulder blade as he ran his fingers through her hair. They sat for a while before Amelia finally felt like moving back to bed. Arthur helped her, going by her pace. When they finally made it, she sat down heavily and laid back.

"I'll go make you some toast, okay?" Arthur said as he stroked her cheek. She simply nodded and closed her eyes as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Shit," Arthur exclaimed as he reached above the stove, looking for the bread. He finally found it above the sink. He shook his head when he realized Amelia had moved it. "Amelia, Amelia." He chuckled and cut off a slice. He put in the stove and waited for it to be done. Afterwards, he buttered it and added some strawberries and blueberries to a plate and walked back to the bedroom.

"You moved the bread, darlin." He sat down next to her.

"Did I?" She asked, sitting up on her elbows.

He nodded. "It wasn't above the stove. It was above the sink."

Amelia hummed. "Guess I did." She chuckled and took a bite of the bread. "Thank you." She said after she swallowed.

"I have to get goin soon," he ran a hand through her hair, "you gonna be okay here by yourself?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "I'll be okay."

"You sure?"

She nodded.

"Okay," he kissed her forehead, "I better get ready then."


Amelia was cooking one night before Arthur got home. It was a Friday night, so he would have tomorrow off. She was thirty three weeks pregnant now. She waited patiently for Arthur to return home. She finished cooking and took her plate and headed to the living room. She sat down and began eating her dinner. After she was finished, she made Arthur a plate and set it on the counter and began doing the dishes.

In the middle of the dishes, however, a gunshot fired through the kitchen window. She ducked and threw a plate out the now broken window.

"Dis is O'Driscoll land!" A man with a Scottish accent yelled.

"Of course," Amelia growled and she headed towards her bedroom. Pregnant or not, she was done with these bastards. She grabbed her gun belt and clipped it on before placing her two Semi Automatics in their holsters and grabbing her rifle. "We had to move in next to the most dangerous bastards known to existence." She loaded her rifle and began making her way to the front door.

She kicked open her front door and aimed her rifle, killing the three O'Driscolls coming towards the house on horseback.

"You had to come for my house did ya!" She yelled at the men in the trees. "Keep coming! I got all night you sneaky little Irish bastards!"

"Put down your guns!"

"I will not!" Amelia lowered her rifle and grabbed one of her Semi Automatics and killed four more coming on foot. "Come on, I'm almost nine months pregnant and still waiting for a real fight!" She shouted. "Are you boys gonna step up and be actual men or are ya gonna keep fighting like girls!"

"You really wanna do dis? Shouldn't ya be tending to housework or somethin little girl?"

Amelia chuckled and raised her rifle again. She fired three rounds, hearing screams coming from the trees. "Oh, come on! I can't even see ya and I'm still beating you!" She pulled back the hammer and spun around, shooting off the right side of the porch where she heard footsteps. Three O'Driscolls went down. "Imbeciles." She muttered.

"Now this is just getting ridiculous," she fired five more rounds to the men barreling towards the house by the drive. They all went down with headshots. "I'm starting to get bored here! Send in some real men!"

She fired six more rounds before everything went silent. She waited to hear more gunshots but there was nothing. She hummed, holstering her pistol and pushing open her front door. She laid down all her guns except for her rifle and went back to what she was doing before.

Arthur came home ten minutes later. He walked in, holding his hat and jacket. He looked up at Amelia as she came in the living room from the kitchen, wiping her hands dry.

"Hi, honey." She said with a smile. "How was work?"

"What the hell happen out there?" He asked, his face painted with a confused look. "There's dead bodies everywhere." He looked in the kitchen, seeing her rifle laid on the kitchen counter. He looked up at her. "Did you do that?"

Amelia simply pointed to the kitchen window. "After they bout shot me in the head."

"O'Driscolls?" He questioned.

"Goddamn O'Driscolls. Didn't even get close to hitting me once."

"Darlin," he walked over to her, "you're pregnant. Getting real close to having this baby at any given moment. You really shouldn't be handling a gun at all and-"

"And let them come and rob us while also killing me in the process?" Amelia crossed her arms over her chest. "My job while you're at work is to protect myself and our home. I did what I needed to."

Arthur took in a breath, running his hand through his hair. He shook his head and chuckled. "You are an absolute ball of fire, ain't you?"

"Imagine what our kid will be like." She laughed. "Your dinner is on the counter."

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