Chapter 60

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Arthur sat atop the hill with his binoculars, overlooking the town of Blackwater. Sadie was crouched next to him, looking over with her sniper. Charles was behind him, loading his shotgun. And John was on the other side of him, following his lead with his own binoculars. They all saw Amelia being led out of the Sheriff's office, an officer holding her by the arm. A tight scowl was painted on her face as she passed Milton.

"So," Charles began, "what's the plan here, Arthur?"

"Get her free," he said, "and we'll go from there, I guess."

"So no real plan here then?" John looked over at him.

"Not really." Arthur looked through his binoculars. He saw Amelia rip away from the officer and step away to stand face to face with Milton. He then saw her headbutt him hard in the nose. Arthur laughed as Milton stepped back, blood dripping from his nose.

"She's certainly putting up a fight." Sadie laughed.

"That's Amelia for you." Arthur stuffed his binoculars in his satchel. "She don't like bein told what to do by anyone."

"Well," John began, getting his rifle out, "we already knew that."

"She's definitely a fighter, that one." Charles commented.

"That's one of the many things I love about her." Arthur got out his repeater. "She ain't afraid to stand up for herself. She knows her place. She runs by her own rules. She's strong, resilient, and kind all at the same time." He paused. "She's mine." He mumbled with a smile.

"Come on," Sadie laid a hand on his shoulder, "let's go get your woman."

Arthur instructed Sadie and Charles to stay up on the hill and provide cover while him and John went down to get her. They both got out snipers and followed their lead. Arthur hid behind a wagon while John ducked down behind a rock. Arthur looked up at Sadie and gave her a thumbs up to start firing. She brought her sniper up to where Milton was standing next to Amelia. She fired a bullet and it went clean through Milton's forehead. She smiled as she brought it down.

"Asshole." She said before bringing it back up to provide cover.

"Took you long enough." Amelia laughed as Arthur cut her down from the gallows. He cut the rope bounding her hands behind her and looked up at Arthur.

"I wasn't gonna sit here and watch them hang you before you even took my last name, darlin." He smiled and kissed her before handing her a rifle. "You ready to get out of here?"

"To see my kids?" Amelia said as she loaded the weapon. "Absolutely." She brought it up and fired it at an officer, killing him with a bullet to the chest. She kept firing rounds until the three of them made it to the horses.

Arthur quickly mounted Duke and pulled Amelia up behind him. The other three followed suit and they began making their way out of Blackwater. They rode away from Beecher's Hope to lose the lawmen. After they were sure nobody was following behind, they began making their way to the small ranch. Arthur tethered Duke and helped Amelia down as Nicholas ran out of the house.

"Momma!" He bolted towards Amelia and jumped into her arms. She caught him with ease and lifted him in the air.

"Well hi." She laughed as she kissed him on the cheek. "I didn't think I was gone for that long."

"Gone long enough." Abigail smiled as she walked towards the pair. She hugged Amelia around the shoulders. "What happened?"

Amelia took in a big breath before making her way towards the house. She walked inside to see Hosea sitting on the couch with Erika. Amelia set Nicholas down on the ground. She walked over to the older man and leaned down to pick up her daughter. Hosea stood once Erika was situated in her arms and hugged her tightly.

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