Chapter 114

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"We have dates."

Amelia and Arthur's head snapped up to their kids. Arthur's mouth hung in shock while Amelia smiled widely.

"Dates? As in both of you?" Amelia said, stepping away from her stallion.

Nick nodded. "Both of us."

"Nick, Erika," Arthur began, tightening his jaw, "a word with you two. Alone."

They both exchanged glances before nodding and following their father away from Amelia, Luke, and Rose. Once they were out of earshot, he stared down at his kids.

"I thought I said I didn't want nothing happening on my property." He said sternly.

"Nothing happened-" Erika began but was quickly stopped.

"If nothing happened, then why are y'all going on dates?"

"Pa, it's just a date. Ain't like we're sleeping with them." Nick scoffed.

"That's just it." Arthur began pacing. "Dates end up with sex, and then sex turn into children, you two know this already."

"It ain't gonna be like that-"

"You guys are teenagers. It will be like that."

"Everything okay?" Amelia asked as she walked up to them.

Nick scoffed again before walking away.

"Nicholas!" Arthur yelled.

Nick continued walking away towards the house. Arthur growled as he ran a hand through his hair. Erika looked like she had just seen a bear as she looked back at her brother before looking back up at Arthur.

Arthur stopped pacing and stood in front of her. "Dismissed." He mumbled.

Erika nodded and began quickly making her way to the house, on the brink of breaking down. Amelia watched her daughters figure disappear into the house before looking back up at Arthur.

"What the hell was that about?" She sneered, planting her hands firmly on her hips.


"Well, our son stormed off, and our daughter ran off to the house looking like she was on the verge of crying. What the hell did you say?"

"I set clear boundaries-"



"And what were they?"

"I didn't want nothing happening on my property."

"You mean our property?" Amelia crossed her arms. "You ain't the only one living here. And nothing happened. They got dates, so what? At least they ain't fucking them in the house."

"Dates lead to that, Amelia. You know how we got together."

"A drunken night at a bar isn't a date, Arthur. We celebrated fishing, and it just happened."

"Don't you think that will happen with them?" He gestured to the house.

"Yes it will, but we educated them enough to know what happens when you have sex. They ain't stupid, Arthur and they're growing up. We ain't gonna sit here and baby them all their lives. Nick just turned eighteen, and Erika will be seventeen in two months."

Arthur let out a deep breath as he ran a hand through his hair again.

"We have to let them grow up. We knew this day would come when Nick was born, and that day is here." She tilted his head down. "They're always gonna be our kids, and that ain't changing because they're growing up. All we can do is warn them and they will do their own thing from there."

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