Chapter 68

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"We want to be apart of the children's lives."

Amelia stared at her parents in disbelief. Amelia chuckled to herself and shook her head.

"Not happening." Amelia said sternly. "Now leave."

"Amelia, please hear us out." Sebastian began.

"You think you two can just be forgiven after everything you put me through as a child?" Amelia hissed.

"We ain't looking for forgiveness." Sebastian replied. "Don't forgive us. Hate us all you want. But don't keep us, your kids, away from their grandparents by blood."

"Blood family has nothing to do with any of this!" Amelia yelled. "Family means being there! Showing up for special occasions, being there when you're at your lowest point, loving you like your own!" Amelia glared at them. "You two couldn't even do that for me! Why would I put my kids through the hurt that you two caused me? Get their hopes up that the grandparents they have would show up? You two couldn't even show up to half of my birthdays! To my milestones. When I started speaking fluently in Polish, guess who was there to celebrate it with me? My tutor, the butler, and the maid. When I was finished my schooling? You two weren't even there."

"We're here now." Aryanna said.

"A bit late for that, don't you think?" Amelia took a step back. "My kids are sixteen and seventeen. You two missed out on them growing up. I was twenty eight when I came to see you guys again. You two missed out on thirteen years of my life. And then you miss another seventeen years. My kids milestones were missed by you two already. Sixteen and seventeen birthdays. Their real grandparents haven't missed a single thing! Every single milestone, they were there."

"Momma?" Erika's voice sounded behind her.

Amelia looked back at her. Erika was standing with Joseph not too far behind. Amelia took a step back to stand face to face with her daughter.

"I told you-"

"I know," Erika interrupted, "but Joseph was wanting to go into town. He wanted to post the letter he wrote."


"Me and him can go."

"No, not by yourselves."

"We'll be okay-"

"You barley even know how to use a gun. Not a chance."

"Mrs. Morgan," Joseph stepped up, "I know how to use a gun. I can protect her and myself-"

"I'm going with you two," Amelia turned back around to her parents, "we're done here. I want both of you off my property when I come back." She began making her way to the barn.

"We're not leaving!" Aryanna yelled.

Amelia groaned as she took in a breath. She turned back around. "Then I'll be coming back with the Sheriff. You two can either leave on your own or forcefully, your choice."

A few horse hooves sounded coming up the driveway. Erika looked up and smiled before looking back at her mother. "Pa's home."

"Good." Amelia said, crossing her arms.

Arthur dismounted and looked at Aryanna and Sebastian, a puzzled look on his face. He walked over to Amelia as Nick helped Jane down from Hawk. Arthur pulled Amelia away a little bit and leaned down to her ear.

"What are they doin here?" He whispered.

"They ain't leaving." She whispered back. "I gotta go into town with Erika and Joseph."

"Alright," Arthur stood up straight, "I'll deal with them. You go cool off a little bit."

"Thank you."

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