Chapter 7

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"You Benedict Allbright?" Amelia asked as she walked up to the man sitting on the ledge.

The man stood quickly. "No-"

"Yeah, you are. Don't play games with me. Come on, let's go." She quickly tackled the man, bringing him to the ground.

"You can't do this to me!"

"You been killin folk with your miracle tonics, Mister Allbright," Amelia said as she tied the rope around his hands and ankles, "Sheriff wants you in for questioning."

"This isn't justice!"

"Shut up," Amelia punched him in the face, making him black out. She lifted the man over her shoulders and walked over to Astrid. She threw him on the back of her horse and climbed up. Arthur stood still dumbfounded. Amelia looked over to him. "Are you coming?"

"You didn't even need me," Arthur said with a chuckle.

"If you don't want the fifty dollars, then be on your way."

"Hey, I never said I didn't want the fifty dollars."

"Then stop complaining." Amelia snapped.

Benedict began to groan as Amelia started leading the way back to Valentine. "Madam, I think I must be suffering from exposure."

"Shut up." Amelia said sharply.

"I seem to keep blacking out."

"I said shut up." Amelia slapped him once more.

Arthur hummed. "You do seem to keep blacking out." He chuckled. "Is this how you treat all your bounties?"

"Just about," Amelia replied, "if they annoy me enough."

"Do they ever offer you money?"

"All the time," Amelia looked back at him, "I had someone offer me one thousand."

"And you didn't take it?"

"Why would I take money from a bounty? Just so they can keep killin?"

"It ain't tempting to you?"

"Of course it's tempting. But that don't mean it's right." Amelia let out a sigh. "If you'd rather take money from a murderer, then don't be takin bounties with me."

"I never said I wanted to take the money-"

"But it's tempting," Amelia looked back at him, "ain't it?"

"I mean, yeah-"

"So what am I missing here?"

"It's tempting, but like you said, it ain't right."

"Exactly." Amelia returned her focus to the road. Once they reached Valentine, Amelia dismounted and instructed Arthur to take Benedict in. He did as told, and Amelia led the way inside the office.

"Ah, Amelia, I see your back," Sheriff Malloy looked over her shoulder to Arthur, "and with the bounty I see."

"A hundred dollars," Amelia said blankly, "now."

"You know, you'd get more respect if you were nicer to me, Miss Davis."

"Just shut up and give us the money." She replied as Arthur threw Benedict inside a cell. He closed and locked it up before walking over to the desk.

Sheriff Malloy simply groaned as he pulled the money out of his desk. "There's your money."

Amelia took the stack and counted it before looking up at him. "Thank you kindly." She said before walking out the front doors. She split the stack in half and gave it to Arthur. "There's your take."

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