Chapter 65

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Amelia and Arthur were up at eight in the morning. Amelia went outside to get the horses ready while Arthur drank a cup of coffee to get his morning started. Amelia made her way out to the stables as a pair of teens showed up. Amelia stopped and looked over as they came off a wagon. The horses attached looked dehydrated and underfed. They were skinny and looked old. But the kids were dressed well enough to see that they weren't rich, but not too poor either.

It was a girl and a boy. The boy looked to be seventeen, maybe eighteen with blonde well kept hair and blue eyes. The girl looked the same age, and had dirty blonde hair that reached her mid back and green eyes. Amelia raised her eyebrow as they got down from the wagon, the boy helping her down.

"Can I help you two?" Amelia called, crossing her arms.

"Are you Amelia Morgan?" The boy asked.

"Yes," Amelia replied as they walked over, "what can I help you with?"

"Me and my sister were hoping to buy some horses. Our mother just died and we've been staying with our uncle on our mother's side. They were kind enough to lend us some money to get some horses."

"What kind of horses are ya looking for?" Amelia walked over to the wagon. "These Shires look worn out, but we don't sell Shires."

"These were the only horses we could borrow," the girl spoke up, "the hands on the outskirts of MacFarlane's Ranch were kind enough to lend us these, but they aren't getting the job done too well."

"They seem to be too old for travel," Amelia reached her hand up to untie them, "when was the last time they were fed?"


"That's a long day travel to not be feeding the horses." She took the horses by their reins and led them over to a pen. She grabbed a hay bale and laid it down in front of them before filling the water trough and let them eat and drink as she closed the pen. She walked back over to the kids. "How old are you two?"

"Seventeen." The boy said. "Fraternal twins."

"Same age as my son," Amelia crossed her arms again, "you two know anything about horses?"

They both shook their heads. Amelia chuckled and nodded. "My husband is inside, but he'll be outside soon. In the meantime I can show you the horses and let ya pick out a couple that you like, we'll get you started and we can show ya how to care for it." She beckoned them to follow her out to the barn.

"Thank you, Mrs. Morgan. It's greatly appreciated."

"What are your names?" Amelia asked as she walked in the barn, grabbing a clipboard from the table to the left of the door.

"Joseph." The boy pushed his sister forward.

"Jane." The girl said softly.

"Last name?"


"Interesting last name." Amelia said with a laugh.

"Our mother's maiden name."

"You didn't take your father's?"

"We don't know our father. Or we didn't. Momma said he was a deadbeat dad, ran out on us when we were little."

Amelia nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that," Amelia laid down her clipboard, "it's seems your mother did well with you two though, I'm sure. Just need to learn a little bit about horses, but that's easy to learn. Took me a week when I was your age." Amelia smiled. "They're simple animals, strong and reliable."

As Amelia was about to show the teens the horses, Erika came running into the barn, dressed in her usual trousers and a blouse. She had her hair tied up in a messy bun and her normal boots on. She had a bright smile on her face as she walked inside towards the stall where one of the Gypsy Cobs were. It was a Female Palomino Blagdon. Her name was Angel. She reached out and touched her forehead, rubbing it softly.

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