Chapter 96

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Nick was around eight months when he started babbling. Amelia and Arthur couldn't understand a damn thing he said, but they loved hearing him babble. They loved hearing him sputter and squeal about the smallest things. It was adorable.

One night, when Nick was about nine months old, Amelia was in the kitchen holding Nick as she cooked dinner. Arthur would be home at any time, so she wanted it to be ready by the time he got home from work.

"You ready to see your daddy?" She asked as she shifted him on her hip.

Nick squealed and giggled as Amelia kissed him on the forehead with a smile.

The front door opened and Amelia peeked around the corner to see Arthur lying his house keys down on the table by the door along with his hat. He smiled as he approached Amelia. He kissed her on the cheek as he took Nick from her arms.

"Hi, baby," Arthur said as he shifted Nick on his side.

"Hey," Amelia made her way back to the kitchen, "how was work?"

"You know, the usual." Arthur followed her. "Bandits coming by, planting crops."

"Sounds like fun." Amelia said with a chuckle. "Dinner's almost ready if you wanna entertain your son."

Arthur hummed, bouncing Nick. "I think I'll leave him to you."

"Ah," Amelia turned around with a spoon in her hand, "I don't think so, Mr. Morgan. I've been home with him all day, it's your turn."

"Oh, but he loves you!" Arthur said with a laugh as Nick reached for his mother, "see? You wanna go to your Momma, Nick?"

"Mama." Nick giggled.

Both Amelia and Arthur froze, looking at their son in shock.

"Did he just-?" Arthur said slowly.

Amelia smiled and laid down the spoon. "Say it again, baby boy." Amelia encouraged.

"Mama." He reached for Amelia again.

Amelia laughed as she took her son from his father's arms. She kissed him on the cheek as he kept giggling.

"Mama, Mama!"

"Yes," Amelia smiled brightly, "I'm Mama!"


Amelia slowly sat up from bed and dangled her legs over the frame. She yawned as she stood. Arthur has taken the day off so Amelia could sleep in while he took care of Nick and Erika. Even though he worked seven days a week, his boss was very generous about giving him days off. He had never met the kids before, but he had heard of the way Arthur talked about them with the other ranch hands and how they wore out Amelia.

Amelia dressed her normal attire, which now was a blouse and skirt. Since Erika was born, wearing skirts were much easier for her. She came out of the room as she tied her hair up into a messy bun. Arthur was in the kitchen holding Erika, who was now thirteen months old. She giggled as her father bounced her on his hip. Nick, who was now almost three, crashed into his mothers leg with a laugh.

"Hi, Mommy!" He said with excitement, grabbing Arthurs attention from the kitchen.

"Hi, baby," Amelia lifted him up, resting him comfortable on her hip.

Arthur came in the living room from the kitchen. He leaned down and kissed Amelia softly before looking down at her and smiling.

"And hello to you too, baby girl." Amelia said with a smile as she kissed her daughter's cheek. She looked up at Arthur and giggled. "Kids behave while I was asleep?"

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