Chapter 36

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Amelia turned to see Micah sitting on a wheel barrel. She shook her head slightly as she walked towards him.

"Yes, Mister Bell?"

"Always full of sunshine, ain't you?" He chuckled. "Old misery guts, Amelia Davis."

"What you want, Micah?" Amelia growled. "Either tell me now or I walk away."

"Well," he hummed, "I want a friend, Amelia," he smirked at her from underneath his hat, "I want hope. I want tomorrow to mean more than today. I want this whole damn shitshow to have some kind of meaning I haven't understood," he chuckled, "but I ain't holding my breath."

Amelia hummed, looking down at kicking at the mud with her boots. "I wouldn't."

"So," he hopped down from the barrel, "instead of that how about you and me go and redistribute some property?"


"Yup. From the Boles Overland Stagecoach Company, into our pockets."

Amelia shook her head. "Shouldn't you be asking a more experienced gun? Like Arthur or Bill?"

"Oh, I reckon we'll do just fine, me and you," he began walking towards the horses, "but if it makes you feel any better," he looked up, "Bill! Come on!"

Bill looked up. "What are we doin?"

"Coach stickup," he replied bluntly, "Miss Davis here would like a more experienced gun."

"Shut up, Micah." Amelia retorted.

"What?" He turned around, walking backwards. "You don't want him now?"

"Just get on the damn horse."

Amelia followed Micah towards the horses and climbed up on Astrid. She watched as Micah climbed up on his Missouri Fox Trotter and Bill on his Ardennes. Amelia leaned against her saddle, her eyebrow raising at Baylock.

"Where'd you get him, Micah?" She asked, following them out of camp.

"Baylock?" He questioned, looking back at her.

She hummed. "Yeah, where'd you get him?"

"Had him for so long now, I can't remember," he chuckled, "what about you and what's her name, Alex?"

"Astrid," Amelia corrected, "bought her from the stable man in Strawberry."

"I heard they have some beauties," Micah laughed, "and yet you went with a Skewbald Gypsy Cob, when you could've gone for a Thoroughbred, an Appaloosa, or even a Kladruber. Why you settle for her?"

"Astrid is a good horse. She's loyal and she ain't afraid to fight either. Which says a lot compared to you, Micah." She hissed.

"Oh, now you get with Morgan and you're so high and mighty and full of salt and vinegar now?" He looked back at her. "Lighten up, Amelia. All I'm sayin is that there were better choices for a girl like you. A woman who can fight and stand up for herself. Every man loves that in a woman."

"How about you shut your mouth and we focus on the job here, or are you too stupid to think about anything else?"

"Hey, knock it off you two," Bill hushed them, "you act like children."

"Shut up, Bill." They said in unison.

Amelia turned back to Micah. "Look, if all you're planning to do is insult my horse while on this job, I'll turn right back around and you two can do the job."

"Alright, alright," Micah groaned, "I was just saying-"

"Say less, Micah." Amelia replied harshly.

"Fine," he grumbled. "Anyway, there's a good spot we can hit it as it comes over the river into the swamps north of here."

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