Chapter 101

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Amelia slipped off her gown and Arthur began untying the straps that held the corset in place. She let out a breath of relief once it was untied as she dragged it off her body. She then grabbed the nightgown she had ready and pulled it over her body. She brushed through her curls and sucked in a deep breath as she sat down at her vanity.

As she began to wipe off the makeup, she watched as Arthur took off his jacket. He then pulled up his shirt that was tucked in his pants and began to undo the buttons. He slipped it off his broad shoulders and threw it on the bed. He caught her eyes as he looked over at her and stared for a moment before smirking.

"Enjoying the show?" He asked with a cocky tone.

Amelia blinked a few times before going back to wiping off her makeup, not saying a word. She sees him walked towards her, still dressed in his dress pants and wingtip gaiters. He leans down and pecks her cheek before walking over to the dresser.

"How many buyers do you think will show up tomorrow?" He asked as he pulled out some comfortable pants.

"I don't know," she threw away the cotton pad she was using in the trash next to her desk, "haven't seen many people show up since the twins. Starting to worry me a little bit."

Arthur shrugged as he stripped his dress pants and kicked off his shoes. "Well, we can always look for other jobs."

Amelia snickered. "I doubt Mr. Geddes will hire you again after that stunt you pulled tonight at his sister's party." She stood, walking over to the bed.

"I can do more than just ranch work." He said as he laid down on his side of the bed.

Amelia shrugged as she sat down on her side, smoothing out her hair with her fingers. "I don't even know what the hell you were thinkin."

"What else was I supposed to do?" Arthur tucked his arms behind his head.

"Not beat a man," she turned towards him, "it's hard enough keeping what we used to do away from the kids, let alone you throwing your weight around."

Arthur sighed as he closed his eyes, crossing his legs at the ankles. "My job as a husband and father is to protect you and our kids," he opened his eyes and looked at her, "right?"

"Yes, but-"

"I did what I needed to do."

Amelia let out a shallow breath as she looked away from him. She stood and looked back at him. "I'm gonna go check on Erika."

She opened their bedroom door and stepped out, closing it behind her. She walked down the hall that led to their daughter's room. She heard cursing coming from the inside and leaned her ear against the door.

"Goddammit," Erika hissed, seemingly shuffling around her room.

Amelia knocked lightly. "Erika, everything okay in there?"

Erika walked over to her bedroom door and cracked it open. She looked at her mother with wide eyes. "I need help."

"What's goin on?"

"I can't get this damn corset off."

Amelia laughed lightly as she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. She then walked over to her daughter and began untying the corset strings. Erika held her sandy brown hair to the side to keep it out of the way.

"I hated wearing these growing up. Always a hassle to get on and get off."

"You had to wear these growing up?" Erika looked back at her with a surprised look.

Amelia nodded as she finished untying it. "My mother, Aryanna, used to say, 'in order to keep our high class look, we must wear things that are uncomfortable.'"

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