Chapter 29

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"Julia Maxwell?" Amelia took down the poster hanging outside of the Annesburg Sheriffs Office. She glanced back at Sadie. "There's no way she's part of-" she paused, looking down at the poster, "-oh, never mind. I guess she's part of Murfree Brood."

Sadie chuckled. "Come on, let's get after her then."

"Sadie, hold on," Amelia said as she stuffed the poster in her pocket, "we gotta be smart bout this, those Murfrees ain't somethin to be playin with." She turned towards the door and turned the knob, walking inside.

A deputy looked up at the two women with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I help you ladies?"

"We're goin after this bounty," Amelia held up the poster, "any help you could offer us?"

The deputy laughed. "Yeah," he sat down, "forget it. Two women like you can't handle them Murfrees. Me and my boys haven't even thought about goin after them. You two are as good as dead out there."

This time, Sadie stepped forward. "Well, we ain't your boys."

"Shouldn't you two be inside tending to your husbands?" He sneered.

Amelia growled. "Listen here. I've dealt with enough crooked Sheriff's and deputies like you to last me a lifetime. Now, you either help us out here, or I put a bullet through your skull, which is it?"

"Who do you think you are?" He stood, narrowing his eyes.

"Amelia Davis, one of the best sharpshooters in New Hanover. Ain't heard of me?"

"Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Davis. From Sheriff Malloy, and Sheriff Gray. They don't like you too much."

"Does it look like I give two shits about who likes me or not?"

"I have half the thought to arrest you with that tone of voice-"

"Okay," Sadie pulled Amelia backwards, "I think that's enough. We'll ask someone who is actually helpful, thank you."


"Sheriff Gray!" Micah yelled as he approached the jailhouse. "You need to get a hold on this town, it's going to hell!"

"Who do you think you are!" He responded. "A bunch of two-bit thugs from God knows where? You're so dumb to think we don't know what you been doin!"

"Come out, Sheriff," Micah growled, "it's over."

"We put down far worse than you. A hundred times over. This is the Grays' town! Always has been, always will be!"

Micah looked around. "Only Grays I see left around here is you!"

There was a long pause. "You want us to come out? We'll come out!"

Sheriff Gray came out of the jailhouse holding Bill by the shoulders. Three other deputies followed. Archibald MacGregor held his rifle while the other two pointed theirs at Arthur and Micah.

"Oh, Bill." Arthur groaned.

"Guns on the ground, now. Both of ya!" Archibald hissed.

"Don't do it!" Bill yelled, struggling against his captor.

"You know we can't do that," Arthur started, "you put the guns down Sheriff!"

"I'll blow his brains out!"

Arthur was quick to draw his gun. He fired two rounds in the Sheriffs head, causing Bill to stumble forward. Micah shot the two deputies standing to the left of Bill while Arthur shot the other one.

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