Chapter 25

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Amelia had arrived home quicker than she anticipated. She tethered Astrid outside and quickly climbed up her porch steps. She left her door unlocked intentionally and headed to her bedroom. She rummaged through her dresser drawers before finally settling in a feather robe with only her undergarments underneath. She brushed out her blonde curls so they fell neatly around her back.

When she heard horse hooves approaching, she peered out her curtains to see Arthur quickly dismounting Duke. He patted Astrid's forehead before jogging up the steps. He turned the doorknob, surprised to find it unlocked.

He walked inside and shut the door, sliding off his worn boots.

"Amelia?" He yelled, unclipping his gun belt after his boots were off. "Amelia!"

Her bedroom door flung open and he looked up just as she stepped in the doorway. She popped her hip with one hand on it, the other above her head on the doorframe. Arthur looked at her amazed.

"Oh," he let out a breath, "look at you."

Amelia smiled, looking down at herself. "It's the best thing I could find-"

Her words were cut short with a kiss. She kissed him back, her tongue dancing with his as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his fingers into her lower back. Her fingers intertwined through his hair, pulling at the strands lightly. He pulled away and smiled down at her.

"You look beautiful in anything, darlin." Arthur brushed a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "You should know that."

Amelia hummed as he leaned down. He closed his lips over hers, making sure to memorize every part of her mouth. His lips traveled down her jaw, chin, until he reached his goal at her neck. He nibbled, causing a slight moan drop from Amelia's mouth as she leaned her neck back, giving him more skin. He smiled at this sound, continuing to kiss and nibble at her neck as he moved his lips upwards to her mouth again.

He finally lifted her up by the thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he stepped into the bedroom. He closed her bedroom door by pressing his back against it, never breaking the suffocating kiss. He turned himself around so she was pressed up against her bedroom door. Her hands were pinned above her head as Arthur carefully set her down. He kept her hands pinned as he moved back to her neck. He bit down hard, causing her to moan loudly. He pressed his body against hers, his member pushing into her hard.

Arthur guided Amelia to her double wide bed and climbed on top of her, pushing into her as she kissed him. He tore open her robe and quickly slid it down her body. He did the same with her undergarments and marveled at her body. He leaned down to kiss her as she fumbled with his shirt buttons, opening each one easily. She slid it down his shoulders as they both sat up. She undid his belt buckle and the snap of his jeans as he stepped away to take them off.

He climbed on top of her once more as they kissed passionately. He found her entrance easily and pushed into her. She moaned into his mouth as he did this before pulling away as he moved inside of her. He kissed the base of her neck, moving down to her breast. He bit down on one of them and she moaned out in pleasure, gripping his arm with her nails. He groaned as he bit down harder on her breast. He pulled away from it and kissed in between her breast, moving upwards until he reached her lips again.

He bit her bottom lip, causing her to groan in pleasure as she bucked her hips to meet his thrusts. He slammed his hips against hers, pulling out as he slammed back in. He stopped and Amelia looked up at him in desperation. He smirked as he pulled out of her. She groaned at the emptiness and glared at Arthur.

"What are you doin?" She hissed, sitting up to meet him face to face.

"I ain't done yet," he sat back on his knees, "on your knees and elbows."


He nipped at her bottom lip.

"Don't make me ask twice, Miss Davis." He growled.

Amelia sighed and flipped over. Arthur climbed behind her and pinned her hands next to her as he slid into her. He pinned her wrists to the bed as he marveled in the new position. Amelia moaned out in unison with him, compelled to finishing quicker. He picked up his pace, chasing his own release as he leaned down, nipping her earlobe as he pushed in deeper, causing Amelia to moan loudly out his name.

He pulled the back of her hair as he was ready to finish. He stared her in the eyes as he finished inside her, causing her to moan out as she stared up into his blue eyes. Arthur sat inside her for a moment, releasing her hair as he came down. When he pulled away, Amelia collapsed on her bed, Arthur right next to her. She let out heavy breaths, looking over to him. He smiled as he sat up, laying his head on her chest. He shifted to lay in between her legs.

Amelia ran her fingers through his hair, standing it at the roots and letting it fall. He groaned at the feeling, pushing his head into her chest. She chuckled lightly as she looked down at him.

"Comfortable?" Amelia asked, running her fingers through his scalp.

He nodded against her chest. "Very much so."

Amelia hummed, nodding her head. She shifted so she was leaning against her headboard, pillows against her neck. Arthur looked up at her and Amelia smiled softly. She kissed his forehead before leaning her head back, closing her eyes. She fell asleep soon after Arthur did.


Amelia woke up the next morning with Arthur's arms wrapped around her. She groaned as she turned over, facing Arthur as he slept. They were both still naked, but Amelia didn't mind one bit. She reached over and kissed the base of his neck, moving down his chest. He stirred away as she continued down lower.

"Amelia," he mumbled, "what are you-"

"Shut it cowboy," she growled, "it's my turn."

She reached her goal, kissing the tip and moving to the base of his morning wood.

"Oh, fuck-" his moan was swallowed in his throat as she moved up and down, "goddamn."

She continued her onslaught, taking all of him in her mouth. When she pulled away, he groaned. She pushed him from his side to his back and climbed on top of him. She slid down on him and they both moaned in pleasure. She began bouncing on him slowly, looking down at him as he enjoyed this moment. He gripped her hips, bucking into her tightly.

She quickened her pace, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head, moaning out her name. She finally prompted him to finish inside her, finishing in unison with him. She let out a breath, sitting on top of him as he opened his eyes and looked into her baby blue eyes. He chuckled as she moved off of him.

"That was-" he let out a breath.

Amelia laughed, laying her head on his chest. "I thought you might like it."

"Oh, darlin, I didn't like it." He wrapped his arm around her, kissing the top of her head. "I loved it."

"Good." She ran her fingers through his chest hair.

She didn't want to move. She was happy here. Happy.

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