Chapter 112

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Amelia was walking around camp looking for something to do. She had already went hunting for Mr. Pearson, washed clothes with Mary-Beth down by the bed of the creek, and entertained little Jack as a favor for Abigail since she was exhausted. She had nothing more to do, so she simply sat down on Arthur's cot in his tent.

Arthur was out doing a job with Hosea and Sean. She walked around the side as the sun began to set and watched as the moonlight hit the still body of water. She was content here. When she heard two heavy set of horse hooves pounding against the ground, she peeked her head around the side to see Arthur and Sean riding in on two Shires. She simply waited to hear Arthur's footsteps approaching.

When Arthur did appear, he leaned against the side of the wagon as Amelia closed her eyes. He tried to study her facial features as she let the moon illuminate her bright blonde curls and her soft eyes relaxed.

She opened her eyes and caught his stare. She smiled softly. "Hey," she said as he took a seat next to her, "how was your day?"

"Just the usual." He replied.

She inhaled through her nose. "Why do you smell like moonshine and fire?" She questioned.

"Me and Sean set the Gray's tobacco fields on fire."

"And you didn't take me?" She scoffed. "I would've had a hay day with that!"

"Exactly why I told Hosea no about bringing you."

"Oh, but Sean can go when he's worse than I am?" She glared up at him.


"Unbelievable." She muttered and turned away, crossing her arms across her chest.

She heard Arthur sigh and he grabbed her chin to force her to look at him. She opened her mouth to protest but her words were swallowed as he pressed his lips against hers. She moaned softly in his mouth as he pulled her up into his arms so she was straddling him.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked up at her. "Are you done arguing with me?" He said with a smirk.

Amelia rolled her eyes and looked down at him. "Dupek." She muttered before sealing her lips against his again. His hands gripped her hips tightly, moving her against him. This caused another moan to drift from her throat.

He moved his lips to her neck and her eyes fluttered close. He sucked harshly and she held back, not wanting camp members to hear her.

"Arthur!" Uncle's voice sounded and Arthur groaned. "Arthur!" He yelled loudly.

"Not now." He yelled back as he went back to Amelia's neck.

"Morgan!" Bill's voice sounded this time.

"I said not now!"

"We got a robbery, let's go!"

Arthur groaned as he stopped and leaned his head against Amelia's chest. Amelia smiled and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Go," she said softly, "I'll be okay."

Arthur lifted her off of him and they both stood. He leaned down and kissed her before walking towards the men.

"I'm gonna kill you both if this ain't something good!"


Amelia had begun her training with Rose, Nick helping her. While Arthur began training with Lukas on the opposite side of the property with Erika. They both had their own things to do with the two kids.

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