Chapter 84

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The Morgan's packed up their things the next morning. Amelia helped Erika with her own stuff while Arthur and Nick was packing up their stuff. Amelia picked up Erika's bedroll as she tore down her tent.

"So," Erika said as she took down the wooden poles holding it up, "are we gonna meet some more people from the gang?"

"Possibly," Amelia replied with a smile, "but it's a surprise so you won't know until we get there."

"Where are we goin?"

"Few minutes from here." Amelia attached the bedroll to Sapphire's saddle. "Won't take us long, just down the road a little bit."

"Are we meeting that Mr. Pearson?" Erika asked as she folded down the poles.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Erika groaned and slipped the folded wooden poles in her saddle before folding up her tent and putting it in a saddle bag. Once everyone was packed and ready, they all climbed up on their mounts and began making their way to Rhodes. Amelia covered front with Nick, and Arthur covered back with Erika. As they neared Rhodes, they all fell back into a single line.

Once they got to the train station, they all dismounted and tethered their steeds outside of the bank. Arthur looked around once Dove was hitched next to Bourbon.

"I hate bein back here." He muttered as he grabbed his rifle.

Amelia grabbed the barrel as he was about to sling it around his shoulder. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Is having that really necessary?" She questioned.

"Can never be too careful, darlin." He replied, tearing the barrel from her grasp and turning towards the main road. "Come on, let's go find this fat old man."

Amelia laughed as she ushered her two kids to follow their father. Nick fell in line behind him, then Erika, and Amelia followed behind them all. They made their way down the road and Nick paused in front of the general store, causing Erika to bump into him.

"Nick-" Erika pushed him to keep walking.

"Ma, look." He pointed at the sign above the door of the store.

Amelia squinted but smiled when she read it. She made her way over to the general store. Erika followed closely behind her. Amelia opened the door and was greeted with a laugh.

"Amelia Davis! Is that you?"

Arthur walked in behind her, and quickly he laughed.

"Mr. Pearson!" Arthur laughed as the old man walked around the counter to hug them both.

"I thought you two were dead!" Pearson said as he hugged Amelia. "How the hell are you two?" He pulled away from Amelia and scoped her up and down. "You look well, Miss Davis."

"That's Mrs. Morgan to you." Amelia held up her hand, showing the ring.

"Holy cow." He inspected the big rock. "Look at you two." His eyes scanned over Amelia and Arthur before landing on Erika and Nick.

He squinted his eyes at the two siblings. He looked over at Arthur and smiled. "Your kids?"

Arthur nodded and ushered his kids over to him. "Mr. Pearson, our oldest, Nicholas, and our youngest, Erika."

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