Chapter 75

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"Get your damn hands off of me!" Amelia yelled, fighting back as one of the Del Lobos pulled her off of Cowboy.

Amelia looked over at her husband, who was lying unconscious on the ground. Her eyes scanned for her kids. She whipped around to punch one of the boys in the face. She succeeded, landing a blow to his nose before hiking her knee up to kick him in the gut and off of her.

Once she got the man off of her, she heard a muffled scream come from her daughter. She looked over to her left to see one of the Del Lobos hustling her to the ground, pushing her down onto her knees as she fought against his grip. Amelia went for her pistol but was cut short with a kick to the face. She fell backwards and groaned as she held her jaw where the steel toed boot had hit. The man that had kicked her quickly had his rope out, bounding the fighting mother. The man holding Erika down did the same, tying them tightly around her ankles and wrists.

Nick had seen the whole thing before getting hit in the back of the head with the butt of a rifle. He went down quickly next to his father. Arthur let out a loud groan as he looked up. He saw his wife and daughter being held down by two Del Lobos before another one came charging at the awakening father. He went for Arthur's neck with a knife. Mustering up all the strength he had, Arthur rolled, dodging the knife quickly. He ignored the lightheadedness as he brought his legs up, kicking the man down to the ground.

Arthur grabbed the knife and stuck it through the man's back, killing him instantly. He drew the blade back and threw it at another who was running towards him. He fell down with the blade stuck in his neck. Arthur looked down to see Nick unconscious to his right a bit. He went for his pistol at his hip but had been too distracted to see a Del Lobo charging straight at him. The wind was knocked out of him as he fell back to the ground, his head hitting the ground hard. He fought to stay awake. His vision began to blur as he began throwing punches, hoping to hit anything but the air. Another blow went to his temple, knocking him out cold.

"Arthur!" Amelia screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched everything unravel in slow motion. Erika was crying next to her, the man holding her shoving his knee into her back.

"We told you to be careful." The Del Lobo hissed into Amelia's ear.

"What is wrong with you?" Amelia looked up at the man. "My kids have done nothing wrong!"

"Should've thought twice before going through Del Lobo territory, now should you?"

"You guys are fucking sick." Amelia spat in the man's face.

The man chuckled as he wiped the spit from his face. He stood straight and smiled down at Amelia and looking up at the man holding down Erika.

"Let's go," he said, "I'm sure some of the boys would pay a good little price for these two pretty things. Something for them to mess around with."

Amelia's heart sank. Her daughter. Her son. Her husband. She looked around for any means to escape. But she saw nothing. She was lifted onto the shoulder of the man and was being carried over to two horses. She groaned as she landed hard on the horses rump.

A gunshot rang out. The man carrying Erika fell to the ground after she was placed on the horse. The Del Lobo who was carrying Amelia looked back, but a gunshot went clean through his forehead, sending him to the ground. Once the man fell, Amelia looked up, seeing Nick holding his father's pistol. He groaned as he dropped down to his knees, taking in sharp breaths of relief and pain. He slowly stood back up, picking up a knife that had fallen to the ground during one of the scuffles.

He walked over to Erika, cutting the ropes bounding her limbs before helping her down off the horse. Erika quickly caught Nick before he fell back down to the ground.

"Whoa," she held him up, setting him back on the ground gently. She walked back around to Amelia, cutting through her ropes as she slid off the horse.

Amelia engulfed her daughter in a tight hug before quickly running over to Arthur. She leaned her head down to his mouth. She felt heavy labored breaths hit her cheek. Amelia sat up and looked back at her kids.

"Nick," Erika said, "Nick, hey." She patted the seventeen year olds cheek lightly. "Nick, stay awake, look at me."

Nick lifted his head, staring into his sister's dark blue eyes. Erika crouched down in front of him, pulling his chin up.

"Nick, stay awake, please." She pleaded. "Just a little bit longer."

"Arthur." Amelia pulled him up. "Come on, you gotta wake up." She said, raising his head upwards, "come on."

She whimpered as he raised his head for a moment. His eyes opened and closed, his head falling back into her arm.

"No, hey," Amelia pulled his head back to her, "just stay awake, okay?" She looked back at Erika.

"Momma," Erika said loudly, "I'm having troubles!"

"I-I know, baby," Amelia stood, "I know." She laid Arthur back against the ground before quickly walking over to her daughter. She pulled her upwards. "I need you to do something for me, okay?"

Erika nodded. She fought back the tears welling up.

"I need you to ride into town and get the doctor. Quickly, okay?"


"Sweetheart, your father is fighting to stay awake," she lifted Erika's head to her, "I need you to be brave for me, okay?"

Erika nodded. Amelia looked back and whistled loudly. Cowboy came trotting up next to her. Amelia lifted Erika onto the stallions back by her waist. She looked up at the young girl as she got settled in the saddle and smiled weakly.

"You can do this, baby." She said softly.

Once Erika had ridden off, Amelia quickly ran over to Nick, who had fallen backwards. She lifted him up.

"Come on, bud," she whispered, "I need your help here."

"Ma," he said weakly, "Erika."

"Erika is okay," Amelia assured, "she went to get help."


"Your Pa is okay, too." She pulled him to his feet. "He's gonna be okay." She led him over to a big boulder next to Arthur. She settled him back against it before bending back down to Arthur. She pulled him upwards and whistled again. Dove came trotting up next to them.

"Down," Amelia said sharply. The mare followed, settling down next to her. Amelia shifted so Arthur was settled back against his horses side. Dove pushed her head into her owners arm, trying to wake him.

"Easy, girl," Amelia said, rubbing the horses forehead, "easy."

Nick began coughing and Amelia looked up at him. He spat out some blood and Amelia quickly came over to him. She wiped the blood from his mouth and pulled his chin up. She chuckled.

"You lost a couple teeth," she said with a smile. "You put up quite the fight."

"I'm sorry-"

"Hey," she pulled the boys head up to look at her, "don't be doin that. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am. You did so good protecting us, my mały niedźwiedź." She smiled. "I'm so proud of you, Nicholas."

Nick smiled weakly but it quickly faded as several horse hooves sounded. Amelia's head snapped back and she saw Erika leading a wagon to the scene. The man driving it widened his eyes at the sight of the two men injured.

"Come along," he said as he climbed down, "we've gotta go now."

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