Chapter 59

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Amelia stared at the two men, wondering what they were doing there. At their home. She raised an eyebrow as she looked up at her fiancé.

"Arthur," she mumbled, "get em out of here."

Arthur held up his hand, signaling her to stop talking. She chewed her lip nervously. She took a step back and began heading to the bedroom, but Milton stopped her.

"Just a minute there, Miss Davis." He looked up at Arthur. "Mr. Morgan, would you please step aside?"

"You ain't comin into my house," he hissed, "now get the hell off my land."

"Oh, I'm not here for you," Milton laughed, "I'm here for that dear woman of yours."

Amelia cocked her head at him. "Me?" She glanced up at Arthur. "The hell did I do?"

"Well," he took a step inside, shoving past Arthur, "you've been capturing bounties with a price of your own, Miss Davis. Or, Mrs. Morgan, as you introduced yourself."

"That sneaky little bastard," she growled. She looked up at Milton. "I ain't got nothing to do with that business anymore."

"Oh," he chuckled, "but you do. See, when you were running with Van Der Linde, I was very insistent on capturing you, specifically. But then, you ran off. Couldn't find you for a couple years. But then, while I was in Tumbleweed, you just happened to turn in Gabriela Salvador, and introduced yourself with the last name of Morgan. Now, I can't capture Mr. Morgan here since his name has been cleared, but you, Miss Davis, have not been cleared of your bounty from when you were running with Van Der Linde."

"I didn't get no bounty-"

"You did. That massacre on Catherine Braithwaite's manor? Survivors told me a woman fitting your description came along." He chuckled. "Or better yet, Mr. Gillis? Ringing any bells?"

Amelia widened her eyes. She forgot all about that murder she helped stage.

"Yes, yes, I think you remember. Mr. Gillis was quite upset when he figured out that it wasn't Mr. Morgan here, but instead, a local farmer who went missing. Went on a drunken rampage, demanded we make an arrest on you and him. But as I said, we can no longer go after Mr. Morgan here." He stepped forward. "Oh, and another thing," he looked over at Amelia. "A hired gun? Is that correct?"

Amelia stared at him.

"You kill people who pay you money to kill others illegally? When did you ever think that was a good idea, Miss Davis? Did you ever stop and think that type of business would bring the law down on you? Or, maybe you shouldn't be doing this seeing how it's illegal?"

Arthur stepped in. "This is just a big misunderstanding-"

"Oh, but it's not, now is it?" Milton smirked. "Amelia Davis, on behalf of the Pinkerton Detective Agency, you are under arrest for murder, assault, disorderly conduct, and harboring a criminal. It's time to go, Amelia."

"Harboring a criminal?" She hissed. "What damn criminal am I harboring here?"

"You kept your word on Van Der Linde. And that's harboring. Now, make this easy, and let's go."

"This is a bunch of bullshit-" Arthur growled.

"That's enough, Mr. Morgan." Milton interrupted. He looked back at Amelia. "Come along now. I wouldn't expect to see your children anytime soon."

"Are you serious?" Arthur yelled. "You can't keep her away from her fucking kids, Milton-"

"I can do what I damn well please. The law is the law, and she's broken it many times over. Don't make me arrest you too, Mr. Morgan and get your kids sent to an orphanage."

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