Chapter 113

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Amelia took off Cowboy's saddle, and she figured out the issue. He had marks and cuts from the rubbing of the saddle. Nick and Erika were out in the barn with her. Nick was seated on top of the wagon while Erika leaned against his stall, watching her mother closely.

"So that was your issue?" Amelia hummed, rubbing her Stallions neck. "That was the excuse for almost trampling my son?"

Cowboy simply whinnied in relief. Amelia shook her head and smiled.

"You gonna get a new saddle, Momma?" Erika asked.

"Have to," she replied, looking back at her, "otherwise one of you two or myself will be flattened like a pancake."

Nick snickered. His side was sore from falling to the ground hard when he jumped the fence, so he was holding an ice pack against his ribs. Amelia looked back at him.

"How's your side?" She beckoned him down.

Nick carefully climbed down. "Still sore."

Amelia peeled back the wet shirt and hummed. "Well, it just happened yesterday, so I ain't too surprised." She touched around the area, causing Nick to wince. "It's definitely gonna bruise, but other than that, I'd say you're good." She stood straight and reached up to ruffle his blonde hair.

"I can't believe he tried to trample me over a bad saddle." He sighed.

"Bad saddles can hurt and irritate the horse. We've been telling you two this for years now."

"I know," Nick leaned against the wagon, putting the ice pack back in place, "I've just never witnessed it before."

"There's a first for everything." Amelia said with a shrug. She opened up Cowboys stall and began to lead him out.

"Momma, can I ask you something?" Erika asked as she followed her out. Nick tailed behind them both.

"Of course." Amelia put Cowboy in a pen and looked over at her daughter. "You already know you can ask me anything, Erika."

"It's something really corny." She said with a laugh.

"Shoot." Amelia leaned back on the pen.

"Do you think Lukas likes me?" She asked quietly, glancing over to where the sixteen  year old was with Rose and Arthur.

"Hm." Amelia looked over her shoulder and saw Lukas staring at the two women before quickly looking away. Amelia smiled and looked back at Erika. "Well, seeing as he keeps staring at you, I would say so."

Erika fiddled with her hands before looking back up at Amelia. "I think I like him too."

"I know."

Erika's head shot up to Amelia. Her eyes widened. "How?"

Amelia laughed. "I'm your mother. I know everything. Just like how I know Nick likes Rose." She winked at her daughter.

Erika smiled. "I think he likes her too." She let out a heavy breath. "But I don't think Pa would let us get some alone time. He said he don't want nothing happening on the property."

Amelia smiled. "Well, maybe I say otherwise." She winked.

"Momma, I don't think Pa will like you going against his word."

"Between me and you, I've been doing it for years." She nudged Erika's arm.

Erika simply chuckled. "Fair enough."

"I'll distract your father so you kids can spend some time together."

Erika nodded and began making her way towards a pen that held Sapphire. She gestured to Bourbon and Nick took the hint, grabbing his stallion out of the pen. As they began to lead their horses towards Arthur, Amelia whistled, grabbing Arthur's attention. She beckoned him over and he said something to Lukas and Rose before making his way towards his wife.

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