Chapter 74

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Amelia turned her head to face the men on horseback. She placed one of her hands on her signature Gold Semi Automatic Pistol and leaned into one foot. She eyed the men up and down, inspecting them. Arthur discreetly pulled his M1899 Pistol from Dove's saddlebag and loaded it as he joined Amelia. The kids stayed back by the horses, watching the men intently.

"We're just getting the two twins home," Amelia replied, taking her hand away from her pistol, "don't want any trouble, now."

"You're riding through New Austin, little lady," one of the Mexicans said, "always gonna be trouble round these parts with Del Lobos."

"We just wanna pass through peacefully." Arthur defused. "We ain't gonna cause you no trouble."

"You be careful going through here." The other replied. "Us Del Lobos don't take kindly to putas like you."

Nick squinted his eyes at the men. He stepped forward but Erika quickly grabbed his forearm, pulling him back. He looked down at her and she raised her eyebrows at him before pulling him down to come face to face with her.

"You ain't gonna approach them men, are you?" She whispered.

"I feel like I recognize one of them-"

"Ma will have your ass if you do that." She widened her eyes. "It's best if we stay back and let Ma and Pa do the talking."


"Nick, I mean it." She said lowly. "Ma already doesn't like that we have guns on us, we shouldn't push our luck."

Nick sighed and looked up at the men. They were still conversing with their parents. Nick stood back up straight and looked down at Erika. He nodded and walked over to Bourbon. He patted his neck as his eyes drifted back to the men talking with his parents. Erika spied her brother's eyes and gave him a look. He quickly looked away. Erika hummed and walked over to Dove, feeding her a sugar cube.

"Y'all be careful now." One of the Mexicans smirked as he raised his hand, signaling it was time to leave.

Amelia watched with a deadly glint in her eyes as they rode away. She laid her hand on the grip of her pistol, ready to pull and take the shot now, but Arthur grabbed her wrist, bringing her out of her trance like state. She looked up at her husband and slowly took her hand away.

"Assholes." She mumbled as she walked over to Cowboy. She patted his neck before climbing up. "Mount up." She said sharply.

Arthur climbed up on Dove swiftly. Jane climbed up on Hawk, swinging her leg over him with a struggle. Joseph followed on Scarlett, then Erika on Sapphire. Nick was the last one on Bourbon. Amelia stopped before leaving Armadillo and turned Cowboy towards the twins.

"Where's this farm?" She asked, readjusting in her saddle.

"I can take you-" Joseph started.

Amelia quickly shook her head. "Absolutely not. Not with these bastards roaming around." She pulled out her map and handed it to Jane. "Just point us in the right direction and we'll go from there."

"There's two ways there." Jane pulled up next to Amelia. "We can take the back roads or follow the main road."

"Main road." Amelia looked up at her. "Easier to spot Del Lobos."

Jane smiled and looked down at the map. "Just follow this road down and we'll take a right down by Mercer Station."

"Alright," Amelia took the map and looked over it carefully before heading down the road, map still in her lap. "Follow closely. And keep those guns drawn." Amelia looked back at the small group. They all nodded and pulled out the guns.

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