Chapter 76

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Amelia paced around the doctor's office nervously. Erika was seated in a chair, fiddling with her hands. Amelia took in a big breath before plopping down in a chair next to her daughter. Amelia leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as her head dropped into her hands. She ran a hand through her blonde curls.

The doctor came out of the back room, wiping his hands on a rag. Amelia stood quickly, waiting for an answer.

"They're both gonna be fine, Mrs. Morgan."

Erika let out a breath of relief. Amelia did the same, sucking in a sharp breath. She ran a hand through her hair again.

"Can we see them?" "

The doctor nodded. "They're both awake waiting for you."

Amelia quickly pushed past him towards the back. Erika followed closely behind her mother. Erika immediately went to Nick's side, hugging him tightly. Amelia went to Arthur, kissing him softly.

Erika pulled away and lifted Nick's head. "How are you feeling?"

"Just a small headache," he chuckled as he pushed her hands away, "I'm fine, Erika. I promise."

"You were half dead back there!" Erika smacked his chest lightly. "Don't scare me like that!"

Nick let out a breath and opened up his arms. Erika sat down on the bed next to him and cradled herself in her big brother's arms, digging her head into the crook of his neck.

"I ain't goin nowhere, Erika. I promise. I got to be here to protect you."

Amelia and Arthur watched their two kids. Amelia smiled as she looked down at him. His head was wrapped in gauze and she ran her hand over his chest. Arthur picked up her hand and kissed each knuckle softly.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, tucking one of her legs underneath her.

"Bit of a headache, sore muscles, but I should be fine in a couple days."

Amelia hummed and nodded. She sighed as she looked at his bruised face. She shook her head with a chuckle. "I can't believe all of this happened."

"We've been through worse." Arthur pointed out.

Amelia shrugged, agreeing. She took in a deep breath as she looked up at their kids. She seated herself comfortably before getting out a book and reading as Arthur and Nick rested. Erika had fallen asleep on a couch beside Nick's bed. Both of the boys were fast asleep, regaining their strength. Amelia looked around at her family, closing her book halfway with a finger wedged in between the pages, keeping her place.

She couldn't believe this happened to her family. All the bloodshed. The lives her and Arthur lived were catching up to them. And she didn't want her family hurt even more. She had to figure out a way to slow it down. The kids couldn't pay for the crimes her and Arthur committed when they were younger. She wasn't quite sure how to stop it all.

"What are you thinkin about?" Arthur's voice interrupted her frantic thoughts.

Amelia's head snapped over and she let out a deep breath. "It's nothin." She shook her head. She went to open her book again but Arthur grabbed it, pulling it down as he stared up at her.

"It ain't nothin, don't try that." He said, sitting up a little bit. "What's on your mind?"

Amelia inhaled. "When I think about the life we had with the gang, I worry. Our kids are still young, they don't know about that stuff. I was already almost hanged when Erika was first born. And I shot down a bunch of people when I was pregnant with Nick. That life we had, it's catching up to us and fast."

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