Chapter 46

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Smut warning!

Arthur and Amelia were both hungry, so Amelia decided to see what she could make. Before she could even start, Arthur pushed her up against the wall. He kissed her with force, slipping his tongue inside her parted mouth. She moaned into his mouth as he slid his hands down to lift her up.

He kept her against the wall as one of his hands wandered over her body. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and her legs around his waist. He carried her over to her kitchen table. He set her down and pushed against her as he went for the snap of her jeans. He slid two fingers down her pants and found her warmth easily.

Amelia moaned as she pulled away from his kiss. He pumped his fingers in and out of her and each time, she moaned out. He finally felt her finish, coating his fingers. He chuckled as tugged her pants down her legs. After they were down, Arthur unsnapped his belt buckle and snap of his jeans, slipping himself free.

"Right here?" Amelia asked, breathless.

"Right here." Arthur thrusted inside her, causing her to moan loudly.

He continued pumping in and out of her, causing more moans to drop from her mouth. She kept her legs spread as much as the table would allow her. She laid back on her kitchen table as Arthur rammed into her repeatedly. He pressed hard into her thighs, making sure she kept her legs open as he thrusted in and out.

Amelia sat up, using her elbows as leverage as she threw her head back, begging him for more. He did as requested until she was screaming his name.

He finally finished, letting out a breathy chuckle as he did so. Amelia took in deep breaths, watching as he walked over to one of her kitchen counters to get a rag off. He wiped himself clean before doing the same to her.

Amelia smiled as she got down from her table, pulling her pants on.

"That was unexpected," she laughed.

"That's what I was hungry for." Arthur kissed the top of her head as he pulled himself into his jeans.

"I could tell."

"Although, now I really am hungry."

Amelia chuckled, walking over to her cabinets.


Amelia was the first one awake in the morning. She climbed over Arthur. She dressed in her normal attire and turned to head to her kitchen. She put on a pot of coffee and drank it slowly while waiting for Arthur to wake up. She wandered around her living room, taking in each part before she left. She was going to miss this place, that's for sure.

A knock sounded on her front door. She raised an eyebrow as she turned to face it. She carefully set her cup of coffee down before going to her bedroom. She grabbed one of her Semi Automatics and making her way back to her front door. She cocked in place as she peered out her window curtains.

There, she saw Hosea with all the women of the camp. Except Abigail and Miss Grimshaw. Amelia quickly set her gun down on the table next to her door and unlocked the door. She opened it and Hosea smiled at her.

"Had to ask around town for you." He said with a chuckle.

"Hosea," Amelia smiled, "w-what are ya doin here?"

"Turns out Arthur was right." He looked back at the girls. "I convinced most of the gang to disband. Had to take these three with me."

"Arthur is asleep," she stepped out of the way, "but please, come in."

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