Chapter 21

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"Well," Hosea began as they rowed into camp in a boat they borrowed, "I must say that was quite interesting."

"To say the least," Arthur laughed, "never thought I would see Amelia almost fall out of a boat."

"Shut up," Amelia shoved him with a smile, "it's not like I meant to."

"I'm sure," Arthur chuckled, "come on, I'll escort you home."

"Thank you," she turned away and looked at the two older men, "and thank you gentlemen for letting me come fish with you guys."

"Anytime," Hosea held up the bag full of fish, "Mr. Pearson will be happy."

Amelia nodded and smiled. "Tell him I said you're welcome," she looked at Dutch, "and thank you, Mr. Van Der Linde. I enjoyed today."

"You're very welcome, Miss Davis." He kissed her hand and turned away.

Amelia looked up at Arthur and gestured towards their horses. "Shall we?"

Arthur led the way towards Duke and Astrid. Amelia climbed up with ease and Arthur watched her unintentionally. Amelia stared at him as he stood next to his horse, not moving a muscle.

"Arthur?" Amelia raised her eyebrow. "Hello? Earth to Morgan?"

Arthur blinked and shook his head, climbing up on Duke and leading the way out of Clemens Point. After they crossed the river, Arthur slowed Duke so he was trotting next to Amelia.

"What were you doin in Lemoyne?" He questioned.

Amelia sighed and readjusted herself on Astrid. "Sheriff Malloy was killed."

Arthur raised his eyebrow but they quickly furrowed, remembering the certain massacre that happened in Valentine a couple days after he and Amelia had returned. He shook his head, looking over to Amelia.

"That so?"

She nodded, looking straight ahead of her. "There were no new posters in Valentine so I was heading to Rhodes to pick up a poster," she shrugged, "but I had a lot of fun today regardless."

Arthur nodded, slowing his pace a bit. Amelia followed, taking in the scenery around her. It was beautiful in the afternoon. Hearing the birds sing their beautiful songs. The coyotes were howling with joy. The rabbits were scurrying around, looking for berries. The deers were feasting on fresh grass and herbs.

Arthur suddenly stopped Duke, looking around skeptically. Amelia stopped Astrid, looking at Arthur.

"Everything okay?" She asked, placing her hands on her pistols.

"Somethin don't feel right," he drew his rifle from his saddle.

"What don't feel right?" She questioned, following his lead on grabbing her rifle from Astrid's saddle.

"Keep ridin," he pushed Duke forward. Amelia followed quickly, keeping in time with him.

They eventually made it back to the outskirts of Valentine. Arthur walked her up to her house but stopped at the top step. Amelia looked back at him before chuckling and making her way down her porch steps. Arthur stared at her confused as she mounted Astrid once again.

"Where the hell you goin?" He asked, jogging down the steps.

"To catch a drink at the saloon," she adjusted herself, "to celebrate today's success in fishin. You comin?"


"Amelia, are you sure about another one?" The bartender asked, wary of serving her again since she's already had three whiskeys and two beers. Arthur had already stopped, seeing as he had two whiskeys and four beers.

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