Chapter 115

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Both Erika and Nick had a date on the same night, but in different places. Amelia was wary about them going alone, but Arthur convinced her to trust them. The two Morgan's were getting ready in their rooms while Luke and Rose waited in the living room. Luke was much more nervous than Rose was, picking at the skin on his fingers.

Rose noticed and smacked his hands. "Don't be doin that." She warned.

"I can't help it." He replied, shaking his hands. "I'm nervous."

"You'll be fine." She laughed a little. "Erika likes you."

"How do you know?"

"I can tell by the way she looks at you."

Luke didn't say anything. Rose looked up at Amelia, who was staring at the pair curiously. She shook her head and smiled.

"What?" Rose asked, confused.

"Nothing," she chuckled, "it's just hard to believe our kids are goin on dates."

"We'll keep them safe-" Luke began to say, but Arthur quickly cut him off.

"We know you will," his eyes shifted over to Rose, "my son better be the one keeping you safe."

Rose laughed at his comment. "I'm sure he'll do fine, Mr. Morgan."

"If he doesn't, let me know." Arthur said with a smile.

"Will do." She replied.

Nick was the first one to come out. He was dressed in a nice pair of jeans, a dress shirt, and his hat. He was wearing his boots. He adjusted his hat as he came out. Amelia stared at him wide eyed. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow.


"That's what you're wearing?"

He looked down at his outfit. "What's wrong with it?"

Amelia threw her hands up. "You should be wearing somethin nicer."

"I ain't getting back into that suit, Momma."


"No," he interrupted, "not happening."

Amelia scoffed. "Fine."

He then looked over at Rose. She was dressed in a nice baby blue skirt, a white blouse, and her usual brown boots. She wore a white cowboy hat that was a big contrast to her raven hair, which was curled into a low ponytail. She wore little makeup, which Nick loved. He smiled as he approached her.

"You ready?"

She nodded with a wide smile. They both began making their way out the front door. Once it shut, Amelia looked up at Arthur.

"Wonder what's taking Erika so long." She said quietly.

"I'll go check on-"

"Absolutely not," Amelia grabbed his hand, "I will do the checking on our daughter."

"I can-"

"What if she's changing?"

"I ain't gonna walk in there."

"I will do it." Amelia said before making her way towards Erika's bedroom.

She knocked twice before opening the door.

"It's just me." She said quickly as Erika turned around. She let out a breath when she saw is was her mother.

"Bout gave me a heart attack." She said with a laugh.

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