Chapter 50

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Childbirth ahead!

Amelia went into labor two weeks later after the O'Driscoll incident at home. She was able to ride to Strawberry without giving birth on Amberley. When they made it to the doctor's office, Arthur carried her inside and laid her in the back room.

She was in labor for a few hours. She was standing from the bed, stretching as the contractions were becoming less painful. She looked over at Arthur, who was watching her in awe.

"The hell you staring at?" Amelia asked.

"You," he replied, "just you."


"Just wondering how you women do it."

"Do what?" She leaned against the bed post.

"Carry a baby in you for what? Nine, ten months? And then give birth to it as well."

"Unbelievable, ain't it?" Amelia felt another contraction and bent over, feeling ready to push. "Get the doctor." She hissed as Arthur helped her to the bed.

After a couple hours of pushing and screaming, Amelia finally gave birth to a baby boy. He came out with a full head of blonde hair. He had bright blue eyes like Amelia.

The doctor kept Amelia overnight for observation. She did well, and so did their little boy. Arthur sat down next to Amelia as she nursed him. He kissed the side of her head.

"So," he looked down at his son, "what should we name him?"

Amelia looked down at him. "That's a good question," she chuckled, "I ain't sure," she looked up at him, "what do you think?"

"You're part Polish, right?"

"Uh huh," she looked down at her son, "I always loved the name Nicholas. It means zwycięstwo narodów. People's victory. I always loved it."

Arthur hummed. He seemed to think for a moment. "Nicholas Hugh Morgan?"

Amelia looked up at him. "Who said his last name was gonna be Morgan?" She teased.

"I did," he reached in his pocket, "because that's gonna be your last name too." He held out a box. Amelia looked at him with a questioning look. He opened the box, revealing a small diamond ring. Amelia widened her eyes as she stared at the ring in the box. "I figured you didn't want a big ring. Didn't seem like you." He chuckled.

"Pierścień," Amelia mumbled, lightly touching it, "you seriously got me one?"

"Amelia Davis," he began, "I mean it every time I say I love you. With my entire heart, I do. When you told me you were pregnant, it felt like my whole heart knew what it wanted right then and there. I managed to save enough to get you this, and I hope you'll agree to it. Will you marry me?"

Amelia took in a breath. "Arthur-"

"Just say yes woman." He laughed.

She smiled and nodded. "Yes."


"I think we should give him a nickname."

Amelia hummed as she was walking around the kitchen, trying to rock Nicholas to sleep. It was four in the morning, and Nicholas decided to start screaming. Amelia tried feeding him, changed his diaper twice, but he still wouldn't go back to sleep. She had been up with him since two. "You think so?"

"Yeah," he sat down at the kitchen table, "Nicholas is a bit of a long name, don't you think?"

Amelia shrugged. "Yeah, but I love his name-"

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