Chapter 5

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Amelia drew her fists back, striking the man in the nose. She felt his bones crack as he fell back to the floor, blood gushing from his nose. She straddled him on the chest, punching him again in the jaw. Once he fell limp from her two punches to the face, she stood, shaking off her bloody hands. She let out a breath, walking back over to the bar and ordering another beer.

Arthur looked down at her, shocked. She took a big gulp of the alcohol and looked up at him.


"You just knocked that guy out in two punches."


He chuckled as he shook his head.

"Is there an issue with that?" She asked with a smile.

"You are somethin else, Amelia Davis."

"Thank you." She tipped her hat and picked up her beer bottle.

They clinked their glasses together and started up drinking again. By the time two glasses of beer were gone, they were tipsy enough to know that it was time to stop. Amelia followed Arthur outside the saloon, but just as she was about to walk out, two men from the poker table called out to the pair.


Amelia looked over as did Arthur. A man raised his cards. "You two care for a game of poker?"

Amelia glanced up at Arthur, who shrugged his shoulders. She looked back down at the men.

"Sure, why not?" Amelia made her way towards an empty seat and sat down. Arthur sat down across the table from her and the men began dealing cards.

Two men busted. Amelia won a hand, Arthur won a hand, and a man named Frank won a hand. When the grandfather clock inside the saloon struck midnight, Amelia decided to head home. Arthur escorted outside Valentine to her house.

"It was nice seeing you again, Arthur." Amelia said as she tethered Astrid. "I hope we run into each other again."

"And you, Amelia." Arthur held his hand out for a shake.

Amelia stared at it before chuckling and wrapping her arms around his neck. Arthur was surprised at first, but he gave in, hugging her back around the waist. Amelia said her good nights before walking inside her small home and closing the door, locking it behind her. She let out a sigh as she slid her hat from her blonde head of curls. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the door.

Seeing Arthur today was a surprise for her. She didn't ever expect to see him again. In fact, when he disappeared on her, she thought he was killed since she never ran into him. But seeing him today gave her hope that maybe the world wasn't so bad as she thought. She plopped down on her small sofa and stretched out her tired legs. She raised her hand to inspect her knuckles.

They were scarred and still slightly bleeding. They began to swell and she could tell they would be bruised. She stood and walked to the kitchen sink. She began rinsing them in warm water, ignoring the slight stinging she had from clean water hitting the open wound.

Afterwards, she wiped them off with a clean cloth and went to her medicine cabinet. She got gauze and an ointment to rub on her knuckles. She placed the ointment on with her fingers and bit back a yell as it felt like a bullet was tearing her apart. She blinked away the tears forming in her eyes before placing gauze on them and wrapping a bandage around it loosely.

She sighed as she returned to her place on the couch. She leaned her head back and she eventually dozed off, waking up in the middle of the night to find her bed.

The next morning, Amelia was up early. She dressed in brown ranch pants and a black shirt. She rolled the sleeves to her elbows and pulled on her black cowboy boots. She pulled her silver spurs over them and walked to her front door. She grabbed her hat from the desk next to her door and headed outside.

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