Chapter 28

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When Amelia awoke, she saw a hot plate of stew waiting on the table beside her. Her eyes drifted around the tent until she stopped, her eyes landing on someone she loathed to wake up to see. His gaze shifted from his book.

"Amelia." He let out a breath as he closed it.

"Dutch." Amelia sat upright, dangling her legs over the cot.

"How did you sleep?"

"You watching me sleep?" She said harshly.

"My apologies," he straightened his back, "I feel like I owe you an apology, Miss Davis."

Amelia hummed, eyeing the hot plate. "That for me?"

"Arthur fetched it before he left." He gestured to it, "and I only just came into the tent."

"Still creepy if you're watching me sleep."

"I apologize, Amelia," Dutch cleared his throat.

"It's fine," Amelia took the hot stew in her hands and raised a spoonful to her mouth. She let the heat of the food warm her body. "Where did Arthur go?" She questioned.

"Into town with Bill, Micah, and Sean."

"For what?"

"Bill arranged a meeting with the Grays."

"As in Sheriff Gray?"

Dutch nodded.

"Y'all been playing him for a fiddle, haven't you?" Amelia said with a smirk.

Dutch smiled. "Yes we have been."

"Expected," she took another spoonful. After she swallowed, she looked up at him. "So what now?"

Dutch hummed. "I ain't sure. Once Arthur gets back, I'm sending him to the Braithwaite Manor to see what he can strike up."

"I can do it." Amelia piped.

Dutch turned towards her. "You're still healing-"

Amelia shrugged. "I feel fine."

"And O'Driscolls?" He questioned.

"I can handle them."

"Yeah, just like how you handled them before." He gestured to her head.

"I had no power in that situation-" she tried to argue.

"And if Colm finds you again, he will kill you." He pointed out.

Amelia groaned. She knew he was right. She shook out her curls as she placed the half empty bowl of stew on the table in front of her. "Well, I need something to do."

"How about helping the girls-"

"I ain't no housemaid, Dutch." Amelia interrupted. "I've had too many men try and put me in that situation, so don't even try to offer up chores."

"Then what would you like to do, Miss Davis?" He leaned his elbows on his knees.

"I need to get out," Amelia stood, "I refuse to be cooped up in this camp doing house chores." She spun around to face him as he stood up. "I'm just like one of the guys. I can handle a gun, shoot people without a damn care in the world, and I can go out on missions. Give me something to do that ain't chores."

Dutch simply chuckled as he shook his head. "Alright, Miss Tough Guy," he looked around, "Mrs. Adler!"

It wasn't long before Amelia spotted a blonde haired woman walk towards the pair, a repeater in her hands. Her hair was down surrounding her shoulders as she walked towards them. She wore a bright yellow shirt, brown saddle pants, and brown heeled boots. Her brown hat hung low over her face as she smiled at the two of them.

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