Chapter 27

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Amelia waited in Rhodes for half an hour before making her way to Clemens Point. Astrid had found her way to her and Amelia was thankful for it. She spurred her horse quickly, wary that she might've been followed. She decided not to take the path and waded through the trees instead, dodging tree branches and bushes. When she came into the clearing, she was happy to see that everyone had no idea what was going on.

The first person to notice her was John. He noticed her injured state and stood from his place in shock. He quickly came over to her as Amelia dismounted Astrid in haste, out of breath.

"Amelia, what the hell happened to you?" He grabbed her wrist, and she hissed out, her hands still tender from the rope burns.

"Don't-" she groaned as John released her, "where's Dutch?"

"He's in Rhodes with Arthur and Bill."

"Fuck," Amelia looked around, "Hosea, where is he?"

"Fishing outside of camp-"

Amelia didn't let John finish as she made her way through camp. She passed several camp members, a few of them giving her a scowl as she passed. Once she spotted Hosea, she ran towards him. He heard her heavy footsteps and looked back.

"Amelia," he dropped his fishing pole, "what happened?" He lifted her head, "your head, it's all banged up."

"O'Driscolls," she let out a breath, "they're looking for you."

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them you guys were camped at Horseshoe Overlook."

"What did they do?"

"They just roughed me up a little bit," Amelia shook out her hair, "Hosea you need to tell Dutch-"

"I will when he comes back-"

"No, he needs to be warned now."

"Okay, alright," he wrapped his arm around Amelia's shoulders, "just calm down. Were you followed here?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Good," he sat down at the table, "Javier! Charles!"

Both men came rushing over as soon as Hosea called their names. They noticed Amelia and widened their eyes before looking back over at the older man. "Go get Dutch, Bill and Arthur back here to camp please. Tell them it's urgent and I sent you."


"What the hell is this about, Hosea!" Dutch yelled as he came back to camp, followed closely by Bill and Arthur. He spotted Amelia and narrowed his eyes.

"I needed you three back here-"

"For what? We were just getting ready to reel in that crooked little Sheriff!"

"Dutch, please calm down-"

"And what is she doing here?" He pointed to Amelia, who Arthur had immediately went to.

"Amelia had a run in and was concerned for your safety-"

"She was concerned for me?" Dutch laughed. "Really? You believe this little bitch-"

"For your information, I just possibly saved your life." Amelia stood. "Colm is looking for you."

"Colm?" Dutch stared her down. "As in Colm O'Driscoll?"

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