Chapter 23

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Amelia had returned home that night after having a couple drinks with Karen and Uncle. She had noticed Dutch's eyes on her the entire time she was there, but she shook it off. She went home by herself, seeing as Dutch needed Arthur for a job.

When she made it home, she tethered Astrid and climbed up her porch steps. Her body felt heavy as she shut her bedroom door. She laid her gun belt down on her nightstand after she made it to her bedroom. She plopped down on her bed and took off her boots. Just as she was about to open a book, a knock at her front door caused her to groan.

She stood and opened the door. Javier stood there, a concerned look on his face.

"Javier," Amelia let out a breath, "please, come in."

"Gracias," he walked in and looked back at her, "are you doing okay?"

"I'm fine," she looked up at him, "why?"

"I noticed Dutch's eyes on you tonight."

"I did too," she said slowly, "any reason why?"

"I think-" he paused, shaking his head, "I think Dutch is jealous of you, amiga."

"Jealous?" She widened her eyes. "Ten sukinsyn." (That son of a bitch) She mumbled. "I just talked to him last week! And yesterday, he seemed perfectly fine! What the hell?" She looked down at the floorboards. "Is this some kind of joke?" She looked up at Javier.

Javier held up his hands. "No joke," he said, "lo prometo."

Amelia shook her head, pacing around her living room. She pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. She sighed and stopped pacing before looking back up at Javier.

"I-I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Course," he said slowly, "I'm sorry, amiga-"

"It's not your fault," she quickly added, "it's just a lot to go over right now."

"I understand." He began heading for her door but stopped at the threshold. "Should I tell Arthur?"

She paused. "I think it's best if I don't see Arthur for a little while."

Javier looked back at her. "Amiga-"

"Just go." she replied, heading for her bedroom. She slammed her door tightly and leaned against it. She heard her front door click shut and let out a breath, not realizing she was holding it. She wasn't sure what to do. Dutch jealous of her? For what? What reasons?


Amelia sat at the bar, exhausted from the information last night. She had been out and about trying to clear her head all day before finally settling down at the bar in Rhodes. She felt angry. Upset. Confusion. Although, it might've been the few beers she's been drinking since she got here thirty minutes ago too. She wasn't sure.

She dropped her head in her hands, running it through the blonde curls. She let out a deepened sigh, then looked up. The bartender looked at her with a raised eyebrow and chuckled.

"Somethin troubling you, Miss?" He asked, throwing the rag he was holding over his shoulder.

"If somethin wasn't botherin me, do you think I would've drank this many beers within half an hour?" She gestured to the two empty beer bottles next to her.

"Sweetheart," he smiled, leaning against the bar, "I had two men in here who finished a whole bottle of whiskey in an hour, now is that really a question?"

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