Chapter 43

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Arthur ran his fingers through his short sandy brown hair. He was worried out his mind about Amelia. She's already had two more run ins with the O'Driscoll's since she was kidnapped. He was too worried in his mind to even notice Dutch approaching him. He was sitting in a chair on the balcony, his head in his hands as he rubbed his temples.

"You okay, son?" Dutch asked, a cigar in hand.

Arthur jumped, startled by the sudden appearance as he was drawn away from his thoughts. He cleared his throat as he stood.

"Yeah," he mumbled, "just worried."

"About what?"


"Speaking of her," Dutch looked over the balcony, "where is she? I haven't seen her all day."

"Well, first she went hunting with Marston, then she came back and then left again."

"Where to?" Dutch brought his cigar to his lips, taking in a drag.

"Get a new saddle."

"You didn't go with her?"

"She wanted to go on her own."

Dutch hummed. "A little dangerous, don't you think?"

"I know it is," Arthur growled, beginning to pace, "but I wanna respect her wishes when she wants to do somethin by herself."

"I know you do," Dutch started, "but she's already had more run ins with the O'Driscoll's-"

"I know, Dutch," Arthur interrupted, "I know."

Dutch let out a sigh. "Arthur, I want you to convince Amelia to do the Trolley Station with us."

Arthur's head snapped over. "Are you crazy? She already said no-"

"I know she did," Dutch stood his ground, "but she's one of the best shooters we got. Besides, if she comes with us, I know we'll get on just fine."


"Please, Arthur." He said before walking away.

Arthur growled as he leaned against the banister. There was no way to convince Amelia to do somethin she didn't want to do without forcing her. And she ain't gonna like that. She'll probably slice Arthur's neck off before she went for that Trolley Station. He shook his head in defeat. Amelia was not gonna be happy with him.


Amelia led Legacy the rest of the way to the Scarlett Meadows stables. Her legs were sore from the poor saddle and she could tell Legacy was getting uncomfortable from the raw rubbing and weight on his back. As she approached the stables, the man she bought Legacy from looked up at her as he was brushing down a saddle.

He smiled at the young woman. "Well hello again!"

Amelia smiled in return. "Hi," she let go of Legacy's reins.

"What can I do for you today?"

"I'm in the market for a new saddle," Amelia looked back at Legacy. "The one I have is getting old and practically falling apart." She chuckled.

The stable owner set the saddle he was working on aside and walked over to the saddle on Legacy. He inspected it and nodded.

"Yeah, looks like it," he chuckled and looked back at Amelia, "well, since you bought this horse from me, I have a fine saddle that would benefit both of you." He beckoned Amelia to follow him. Amelia grabbed the reins and lead Legacy inside.

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