Chapter 81

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Over the next few days, Arthur and Nick healed. By the time all of his headaches were gone, Arthur was already out in the barn caring for the horses and breaking them in. Nick took a few more days to heal since he took the most damage, but once he was healed, he too was back out in the barn. A storm was rolling in slowly, so the Morgan's began leading the horses inside the barn to the stalls.

"Ma!" Nick called from outside. "Whiskey isn't budging!"

"You've got to be joking," she mumbled as she closed Angels stall. She locked it up and jogged outside. It started to rain, so she was drenched as she reached where her son was pulling on Whiskey's reins.

Amelia ran behind the horse, smacked his rump and quickly stood back, keeping out of range from its bucking legs as it began to follow Nick inside the barn.

"Get him stabled and quick!" Amelia yelled.

Arthur was putting the chickens in the coop as Amelia walked up towards the house. Erika was helping her father, picking up the chickens that were being difficult and putting them in the coop. They closed the doors and began making their way towards the dry house as Nick ran out of the barn. He closed and locked it shut before joining his family at the house.

Thunder began to boom as they walked inside, drenched in water. They all looked down at themselves and laughed.

"Get changed into some dry clothes. Storm should roll over soon." Amelia said as she made her way to the bedroom, Arthur following behind. She closed their bedroom door after Arthur walked in, locking it behind him.

Arthur looked over at her as he heard the click of the lock. He raised an eyebrow at his wife, a curious glint in his eyes. She smirked up at him with lust darkening her once bright baby blue eyes.

"You wanna do this now?" He asked softly as he made his way over to her. He stood in front of her, his tall frame towering over her.

Amelia nodded, giving him a look that he knew all too well. Arthur chuckled and shook his head as he reached out to dip her head back. He captured her lips with his own, his soak clothes mending into hers as she was trapped between the door and him. Her tongue fought with his as they kissed deeply, getting more aroused by the minute.

They stripped their soaked clothes before Arthur lifted her up with a grunt, carrying her over to the bed and lying her back. He nestled between her legs as they kissed more, Arthur moving his attention to her neck. She laid a hand over her mouth to mask her moans as he bit down. He moved down lower until he came face to face where she wanted him the most.

His mouth closed over her and her back arched. She bit down on her hand as he pushed her over the edge. She finished as he pulled away. He licked his lips before he leaned over her, his hands beside her head. He slid into her and Amelia let out the smallest moan. He pushed deeper into her and she bit down on her bottom lip. Her hands gripped the sheets as he moved above her.

He kissed her again as he moved in and out. She moaned into his mouth which only made him go faster and harder. She accidentally let a moan out as slammed into her deeper. She quickly realized and covered her mouth again. She whimpered as he finally finished in unison with her. She let out a breath as he pulled away, leaving her feeling both empty and full.

Arthur chuckled as he looked down at her exhausted body. He cleaned her up before himself and pulled on a pair of dry jeans and a shirt. He went to get her some dry clothes but Amelia stopped him.

"Don't," she said softly as she shifted, "not yet."

Arthur raised an eyebrow as he walked over to her. He sat down next to her. "You okay?"

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