Chapter 99

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When they arrived at the big house, Arthur climbed out first, helping his daughter and wife out of the stagecoach. Nick then came out last and they all waved to Lenny as he left. They began making their way up to the house.

Amelia paused and looked back. "Nick, stay close to your sister if you two wander off. I want you two together at all times. I trust you guys enough to let you mingle."

"Yes, Momma." Nick replied. He held out his arm for Erika and she looped her arm around his.

Arthur offered out his arm and Amelia did the same. A man opened the door for them and they walked into the house. Arthur whistled as he walked inside, marveling the fancy house. A big crystal chandelier hung in the middle as they walked towards the back door where the party was being held.

They walked out on the balcony and spotted David Geddes smoking a cigar. He heard the footsteps and turned around, smiling widely.

"If it isn't my favorite Morgans!" He shook Arthur's free hand and kissed the top of Amelia's. He peered behind the parents. He smiled at Erika and Nick. "My, my, look at how you two have grown."

"Good evening, Mr. Geddes." Nick shook his hand.

"Last time I saw you two, you were about knee height. Now look at you." He chuckled. "You must be what, seventeen, eighteen?"

"Eighteen in two days." Nick said with a nod.

"Eighteen, huh?" Mrs. Geddes approached the Morgan family. "I remember those days." She chuckled as Mr. Geddes wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in.

"Please," Mr. Geddes gestured down to the party, "mingle, have fun and enjoy yourselves."

"Thank you," Amelia said with a smile. Arthur began to lead her down and the kids followed. As they reached the bottom of the tall staircase, Amelia turned back around. "Remember what I said," she began, "you two together at all times. No wandering off separately."

"We know, Ma," Nick replied, "we'll stay together."

"Alright," Arthur nodded, "go on, enjoy yourselves."

The two parents watched as their kids joined the bustling crowd. They both took in deep breaths as they looked around at all the people. They looked rich and successful. Luckily, Arthur and Amelia fit right in with their high class looks. And technically, they were apart of this rich crowd, seeing as their business of selling mares and stallions brought in quite a bit of money from a day to day basis.

Arthur led Amelia to a champagne table and picked up a bottle and a glass. He held it up, silently asking if Amelia would like a glass. She nodded with a smile, and watched as her husband poured her a glass. She accepted it as he handed it to her, and took a sip as he poured himself a glass. He laid the bottle down and held out his free arm. They joined a small group of other horse sellers and they fit in perfectly, talking about their business.

"You two look familiar," a woman said, "have we met before?"

Amelia nearly choked on her champagne as she turned, coughing. She cleared her throat as she looked back up at the woman.

"No," she said softly, "no. I don't believe so."

The woman hummed. "Emily Cooper." She held out her hand.

"Amelia Morgan." She shook her hand.

"Ah," Emily smiled, "no wonder you two look so familiar."

"Hm?" Amelia narrowed her eyes.

"We bought a Dutch Warmblood and a Thoroughbred off of you guys a year ago."

Arthur let out a hearty laugh. "The Coopers!"

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