Chapter 78

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Around noon, Amelia headed to Blackwater to get her parents. She took a stagecoach from Strawberry so nothing would happen. When she arrived, she climbed down and whistled for Cowboy, who had followed the entire way. She climbed up and began trotting to the outskirts of Blackwater, where her parents were staying for a little while.

When she arrived at the big house, she took in a sharp breath before climbing down from her Stallion and walking up the porch steps. She knocked three times before taking a step back and waiting. She fiddled with her wedding ring while she waited. When she heard footsteps approaching the door, her head snapped upwards. An older gentleman opened the door. He smiled at the young woman.

"Can I help you, Miss?"

"I believe my parents are staying here," she began, "Aryanna and Sebastian Davis?"

The man chuckled. "It's no wonder you look so much like Mrs. Davis," he took a step back, "please, come in."

Amelia smiled before heading inside. She looked around the big house as the man closed the door.

"Would you like some tea?" He questioned.

"No, thank you," Amelia said with a curt nod, "where might I find my parents?"

"I believe Mr. Davis is in the library. Come, follow me." He beckoned for Amelia to follow. She whistled in amazement as she followed him down the hall until the last room on the left. He opened the door and Amelia saw a huge library with a single desk in the middle.

"Whoa," Amelia said as she walked in. She spotted her father near the back standing at a window and looking down at a book. He looked up as she walked in and he smiled at her.

"Amelia." He closed his book and laid it on the desk before walking over to her and hugging her.

"Where's Momma?" She asked as she pulled away.

"She's upstairs," he walked back over to the desk, "what are you doing here?"

"Erika wanted to meet you guys."

"Well," he said with a chuckle, "she's a curious one, isn't she?"

"You have no idea." Amelia laughed. "She's in the stage of using big words that Hosea has taught her," she shook her head, "can't understand a damn thing she says."

Sebastian hummed as he picked up the book he was reading. "Have you read this one yet?" He handed it over to her. "It was one of your grandfathers."

Amelia inspected the dark red cover before flipping it over to the spine. "Maybe," she opened it and scanned through the first few pages, "I've read all of his books, but it's been years since I've read another one, with the kids growing up and all that." She handed it back to him.

"This is one of his recent ones."

"He's still alive?" She asked.

Sebastian shook his head. "He died about two years ago. Your mother and I were living with him for a little while once he got too old to move around. But he still insisted on writing. He finished one more novel before he passed." He walked over to the bookshelf and got down a book with a blue cover. "He dedicated this one to you," he handed it to her, "said it was his gift from him to you."

Amelia raised her eyebrow as she took the book. She opened it and on the first page she saw writing.

"Mojej pięknej wnuczce Amelii. Niech twoje dni świecą jasno, kochanie." (To my beautiful granddaughter, Amelia. May your days shine bright on you, dear.)

Amelia smiled as she closed the book. "I'll have to read it sometime." She handed it back to him.

"You keep it," he said with a smile, "it's yours."

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