Chapter 63

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Abigail decided to go to Blackwater to see if she could get anything on Micah and Dutch's current location. Hosea went with her and took a stagecoach down to Rhodes. He was gonna search in that area. Arthur stayed at Beecher's Hope with Erika, John, Jack and Uncle by Abigail's orders. He was worried out of his mind. It's been a day since he's heard anything and he felt like he was losing his mind.

And then Hosea came back. He was smiling as he rode in a wagon. Arthur was on the porch pacing as they pulled up. He saw a little boys head peek out from the back of the wagon and Arthur's heart melted as a pair of blue eyes stared into his own. The boy jumped down from the wagon and ran into Arthur's arms.

"Daddy!" Nicholas jumped into his fathers arms and Arthur engulfed him in a huge hug.


The day before

Amelia and Charles arrived in Van Horn late in the afternoon. They climbed out of the stagecoach and looked around at the mysterious town of Van Horn. Amelia had never been over this way besides that one time with Sadie. And she was too on edge about Murfree's to really take in the surroundings. Amelia walked towards the saloon when Charles suddenly pulled her behind a wall. She looked up at him with confusion.

"I think I just saw Micah." He whispered.

Amelia widened her eyes and peeked her head around the corner. Just like Charles said, Micah was heading into the saloon. She didn't see anyone with him though. But her blood still boiled. Once Micah was inside the saloon, Amelia creeped back around the wall.

"Amelia?" Charles whispered. "Amelia!"

She ignored his calls to her and headed for the front door of the saloon. Once she was inside, she didn't see Micah anywhere. But after looking around, she spotted his white hat in the back at the Blackjack table. Amelia looked over at the bartender and she smiled.

"Excuse me," Amelia walked up to the counter, "who is that man in the back?" She pointed to Micah.

"Him?" The bartender laughed. "One of our regulars. He's a mean type, I stopped serving him so many drinks when he got violent with one of my girls," she leaned on the counter. "Why?"

"I believe he's my ex," Amelia began, "but I'm a little afraid to approach him by myself. He has something of mine and I came to get it back."

"Well sure, honey." She whistled and a man came over. He looked down at Amelia before back up at the bartender. "Could you go with this young lady? Just keep her safe from that man." She pointed to Micah.

"Sure." He looked down at Amelia. "Shall we?"

Amelia nodded and followed the man over. The man stayed back a bit and Amelia walked up behind Micah. Before anyone could react, Amelia had Micah in a choke hold with her Semi Automatic held at the temple of his head.

"Where's my son, Micah?" She hissed in his ear. "I suggest you tell me now before my patience runs out."

"Amelia Davis." He laughed, but Amelia tightened her arm around his neck, restricting air. He choked as he tried to pry Amelia's hands off of him, but Amelia kept her grip. She pulled him from the chair and threw him to the floor, disarming him in the process. She kept her gun aimed at his head as he coughed, regaining his breath.

"My son," she growled as he looked up at her, "now."

"Being well looked after." He said with a hint of sarcasm. "I was wondering when you would show up. Was hoping to see Morgan though."

"Arthur is at home looking after our daughter." Amelia kicked him in the face and he groaned, coughing up blood. "Now where is my son, Micah Bell?"

"With Dutch." He wiped the blood from his mouth.

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