Chapter 41

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"So, he's still alive then?" Tilly asked as Miss Grimshaw stood up.

Arthur kicked the man in the stomach, making Anthony groan. "I guess."

Miss Grimshaw grabbed him by the back of the hair, lifting his head. "You see this girl," she hissed, "you leave her alone."

"She killed my cousin!"

"Your goddamn cousin had it comin Anthony Foreman!" Tilly stood.

"I don't care if she shot your daddy and cooked your momma for breakfast," Miss Grimshaw continued, "she's mine, she ain't yours." She threw his head down.

"You know," Arthur untied the rope around his ankles, "a friend of mine, he always says revenge is a fools game." He bent down and lifted Anthony up, "now, you want all your boys dead?" He asked. "She had her reasons."

"We was family, Tilly Jackson." He said softly.

"You Foreman boys ain't no kind of family I want."

"Kill him, Arthur."

Arthur raised his knife to the man's throat and looked at Tilly. Amelia squinted her eyes. "You want that?" He asked Tilly.

"I want him to go away, and tell the remaining of his cousins and the clowns he rides with to leave me alone!"

"Now, you think you can do that, Anthony?" He asked. "Or should I," he paused, "slit your throat and just save us all the bother?"

"I'll leave ya alone." He said quickly. "History is done."

Tilly stared at the man before stepping away, a scowl painted on her face.

"History is never done," Miss Grimshaw began, "it's your call Arthur, but I'd slit his throat." She hissed before walking away.

Amelia watched him intently, trying to make out what he was gonna choose. She watched as Miss Grimshaw walked away towards the wagon before returning her attention back to Arthur. He let out a breath before taking his knife down.

"Alright you," he said. He waved his knife in the man's face before walking around to the back of him and cutting the ropes off. He shoved him. "Now get outta here."

Amelia watched as the man ran into the trees. She turned to Arthur as he put his knife back in his place. He looked up at her. "What?"

She shook her head, whistling for Legacy.

"What did I do now?" He sighed.

"I would've killed him." She climbed up on Legacy and turned to him. "But it was your call."

Arthur shook his head and climbed up behind her. She began making her way back to Shady Belle. Arthur kissed the back of her neck and she smirked as she continued to ride.

Suddenly, Legacy became skittish, pulling at his reins and trying to pull them from Amelia's hands. She held them tightly, pulling back on them to stop him from pushing forward. But he kept going.

"Co do diabła?" She hissed, looking down at him. "Easy boy."

"What's goin on with him?" Arthur asked, tightening his grip on Amelia's waist.

"I-I don't know," she began to climb down, but Arthur stopped her. She looked back at him. "What are you doin?"

"I don't like where we're stopped."

"But Legacy-"

"Keep pushing until we get back to camp."

Amelia sighed and looked forward. She squinted her eyes, spotting movement in the trees. She couldn't make out what it was. Then she saw a flash of black. It was low, like an animal. She peered closer, seeing bright green eyes shine in the sunlight that crept through the leaves.

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