Chapter 87

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Erika paced in the kitchen, the bounty poster her Aunt Sadie had given her mother lying on the kitchen counter. Erika leaned over it, tipping her head back and taking in a sharp breath. She was contemplating on taking this bounty herself. She knows her mother would have her head, but she was so intrigued to see what this business was about in the first place. She looked back down at it.

She groaned as she stepped away from it, tying her hair up into a high bun. She began pacing again, fiddling with her fingers as she tried to think rationally about this decision.

"What are you doin?"

Erika jumped at her brother's voice. She turned around to see him in the doorway. She quickly stepped back and grabbed the poster, stuffing it in her back pocket.

"Nothin." She said quickly.

Nick raised his eyebrow. "Why is your hair tied up?" He questioned.


"You only tie your hair up when you're either thinking, riding, or about to make an irrational decision."

Erika squinted her eyes at him. "No I don't-"

"What are you doin, Erika?" He began walking towards her.

"I ain't doin nothin."

Nick grabbed the poster sticking out of her back pocket. She whipped around to take it back but he held it up so she couldn't reach.

"That's not fair!" Erika scolded, grabbing her brother's forearm to reach the poster.

"Nothin my ass." He shoved her back, unfolding the poster. Once he saw it, he glared down at her. "I know damn well you ain't thinkin about goin after this man."


"Erika Gabrielle." He said sternly. "What are you thinkin? You hardly know how to use a damn gun, let alone go after a fucking bounty! What the hell, sis?"

"Lower your voice." She stared up at him. "I was only thinking about it."

"Erika," Nick growled, "this is dangerous! You know that! Pa even told you about when Ma got hurt goin after that bounty."

"Nick, listen to me!" She whisper yelled. "I wouldn't be doin it alone. Aunt Sadie would be there too. And even if I do decide to go after this bounty, you can't stop me."

"Like hell I can't." Nick grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her to his room. He shoved her inside and shut the door. He slammed the poster down on his desk. "Erika, listen to me." He sat down on his bed. "I don't plan on moving out anytime soon, but while I am still here, my job is to keep you safe. And I'd be a pretty shitty brother if I let you go through with this." He held up the poster.

"Nick, Ma used to do it for a living-"

"And she's told us multiple times that she don't want us doin the same thing."

Erika sighed and looked down at her brother. She held out her hand for the poster.

"No, you ain't takin the bounty-"

"Just give it here, głupek."

Nick looked at her skeptically, but placed the poster in her open hand. She stared down at it for a moment before folding it back up and placing it on his nightstand. She let out a breath and sat down next to her brother. She looked over at him.

"If it really means that much to ya, I won't go after the bounty." She said softly. "But someday, I do want to go bounty hunting."

"Let's wait until after you move out, okay?" Nick said with a small laugh. "Pa will flip out if he finds out you're bounty hunting while still living here at home."

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