Chapter 3

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Arthur stood there face to face with the woman who approached him. Ellie Anne Swan was still knocked out cold on the back of Duke, but Arthur had forgotten all about his bounty. Instead, he was more focused on her.

Amelia Davis. Her bright blue eyes that stared into his own deep blue eyes with curiosity. The woman he helped years ago.

"Amelia," Arthur let out a breath, "you're that girl I helped, ain't you?"

Amelia nodded. "That I am." She stared up into the man's eyes. "What's your name?"

"You know my name-"

"Your full name."

"Arthur Morgan."

Amelia stared up at the outlaw in curiosity. She didn't know why this man decided to help her all them years ago, but she was determined to find out. She stepped back from the man, circling around him to the woman tied to the back of his horse.

"This a bounty?" She asked, lifting the woman's head.

"Ellie Anne Swan."

Amelia hummed. "The black widow herself, huh?"

"Yeah," Arthur scratched the back of his neck, "don't tell me you're here to take her off my hands, Miss."

Amelia stuck her hands in the air. "Sorry, but I don't collect female bounties," she chuckled, "makes me look bad."

"Makes you look bad, huh?"

Amelia laughed. "Yeah."

Arthur shook his head at the woman, hooking his thumbs to his gun belt. He smirked down at her, not moving a muscle. Almost like a statue. His blue eyes were hypnotizing.

Amelia looked away, feeling her cheeks turn bright red. Arthur cleared his throat as he turned to mount back up on Duke. "I gotta go turn in this bounty. Meet me at the Smithsfields saloon in an hour and I'll buy ya a drink."


Amelia leaned on the bar, waiting for the man who had saved her. She had already ordered two whiskeys and a beer. She felt like a fool for waiting here for someone who may not even show up. But she had to try. Then he came through the saloon doors. She looked over and smiled at that figure walking towards her.

"You drinkin without me?" He asked as he laid a coin down on the bar.

"I hardly know you," Amelia huffed, taking a sip of her beer.

"Well, how about we change that then, huh?" He said as he downed a shot of whiskey. "But I will warn you, Miss Davis, I let down my guard when I'm drunk."

"Well, I don't plan on gettin you drunk," she looked over at him, "what you do is on you, Mr. Morgan."

Just then, a couple men came through the saloon doors. It was a Mexican and a Native American. They were laughing as they looked over at two women who were leaning on the bar. Arthur laughed and shook his head as he looked down at Amelia.

"You wanna meet some of my friends?"

Amelia raised her eyebrow before peering over Arthur's shoulder. She stared at the two men with curiosity before looking back over at Arthur.

"Sure." She said before finishing the remainder of her beer.

"Hey!" The Mexican and Native American cheered with the two women downing shots. Then he looked up at Arthur. "Oh, Arthur! Arthur, come here, come here," he slapped the outlaw on the shoulder. "I want you to meet our friends." He looked over Arthur's shoulder. "And a friend of yours?"

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