Chapter 12

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Amelia sat down in Arthur's tent on his cot. Arthur sat next to her looking over his map. Amelia fiddled with her hands in her lap. She was nervous being here. Plus, she was surrounded by outlaws who were probably murderers as well.

"Alright," Arthur looked over to her, "how we gonna do this?"

Amelia took in a breath. "I'm not sure."

"Well, you're the one who came up with this 'master plan' so-"

"I only came up with it to save your life!" Amelia argued.

"I ain't afraid of dying-"

"I know you ain't, but I can't hurt you let alone kill ya."

"Why are you so insistent on sparing me?"

"Because you saved my life," Amelia looked up at him, "the least I can do is save yours."

Arthur groaned internally as he leaned against his wagon. He wasn't sure what to do with this woman.


Arthur had told Amelia to wait at the edge of Valentine. She was told to get Mr. Gillis in exactly two hours. She wasn't sure what he had planned, but she trusted him.

"Amelia!" She heard a whisper yell from behind her.

She turned around and jumped when she saw a figure standing over a dead body. She relaxed when she realized it was Arthur dragging a dead man in the dark.

"Cholera, Arthur," (Dammit, Arthur,) she muttered, clasping a hand to her chest, "you scared the shit out of me!"

"Where's Mr. Gillis?" He looked up at her.

"I told him to meet me out here, and he'll be arriving soon," Amelia looked behind her, "go! Get out of here before he shows up!"

"I beat up his face pretty bad so it should fool him."

"Okay, just go!" Amelia shooed him out of the area. "I'll come find you afterwards, just go!"

Amelia watched as he ran off. She looked down at the dead man and took out her lantern. She held it over his face and hummed. "Almost a perfect match," she whispered to herself, "nice work."

She waited another twenty minutes before seeing a figure approaching her. The drunken man greeted her with a smile and a huge money stack. He leaned over the dead body and grimaced.

"Yeah, that's him alright," he slurred, "filthy white trash," he cleared his throat and looked down at Amelia. "Good work, Miss Davis, here you go." He held out the money. "Ten thousand, as promised."

"Thank you, Mr. Gillis." Amelia tipped her hat before turning away. She climbed up on Astrid and began making her way to where she was meeting Arthur. They had him fooled, which was good. She decided to let Mr. Gillis handle the body.

Amelia made her way up a hill and spotted Duke. Arthur was next to him, giving him some sugar cubes. Arthur looked over as Amelia trotted next to Duke. She dismounted and approached the outlaw.

"Well?" He asked, lowering his hand.

"It fooled him," she pulled out a money stack and split it in half. She handed him his cut and looked up at him.

He whistled as he took the money stack. He nodded his head before sticking it in his pocket. "I think this calls for a drink, Miss Davis."

Amelia sighed and shook her head. "No, Arthur," she pushed her blonde curls behind her, "it doesn't. This means we never see each other again."

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