Chapter 89

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Amelia was in the backyard with Erika, teaching her how to use a gun like she did with Nick. She was fifteen now, but she was really impatient. Erika took Amelia's repeater off of Cowboys saddle and Amelia quickly took the repeater from her hands.

"Not so fast, Erika." Amelia said as she slung the gun over her shoulder. "You ain't ready for a gun like this yet."


Amelia held out a Cattleman Revolver. Erika stared down at it before looking up at her mother, a confused expression painted on her face.

"Seriously?" Erika questioned, staring down at the small handgun. "You want me to start out with a little handgun?"

Amelia nodded. "I'm gonna teach you the same way I did with your brother. We'll start out with a couple revolvers, then move up to pistols, then repeaters, and ending with rifles and shotguns."

Erika's eyes lit up at the mention of shotguns. "Can I shoot a shotgun first?" She asked, smiling with glee.

Amelia laughed. "Absolutely not, young lady."

"I don't want to start out with a tiny handgun." She complained. "I want to shoot something big and strong."

"It's handgun first, Erika." Amelia held out the Cattleman. "You either start with this or you won't be taught at all."

Erika took the revolver with a grunt. She loaded it like her mother had showed her and aimed it at the bottles sitting on the gate.

"Raise your arms a little bit." Amelia said, peering over her shoulder. Erika did as she was told. "Right there," Amelia stopped her arm, "now remember, both eyes open and empty lungs, okay?"

Erika nodded. Amelia took a step back and watched. Erika took in a deep breath and let it out as she squeezed the trigger. A bullet fired, and it hit a bottle, making it shatter on point. Erika sighed and lowered it, pointing it at the ground as she looked over at Amelia.

"There, now can I shoot a shotgun?" She said, her tone sharp with attitude.

Amelia raised her eyebrow at her, placing a hand on her hip. "Keep up that attitude, and I won't teach you at all."

Erika grumbled as her mother walked over towards Cowboy.

"Learning how to use a gun takes patience and practice," Amelia grabbed a Double Action Revolver out of her saddle bag. She walked over to her daughter. "You need to start off small, and then work your way up to bigger weapons. That's why I'm starting you on revolvers." She pointed to the bottles. "Shoot down a couple more with that Cattleman, then we'll see how you do with a stronger revolver."

Erika mumbled to herself as she pointed the Cattleman Revolver. She shot down three more bottles before lowering it.

"Good," Amelia held out her hand for the Cattleman. Erika handed it to her by holding the barrel. Amelia then handed her the Double Action Revolver. "This one gives a little bit more kickback than the Cattleman. It's not too bad, but you need to make sure your stance is strong so it doesn't jump on ya."

Erika loaded it again and pointed it. She spread her legs apart, making sure she had a strong leverage. She tightened her arms, keeping them straightened as she lined up her shot. She peered down the sights before letting out a slow breath and squeezing the trigger. She missed, scared by the kickback.

"It's okay," Amelia assured, "try again."

Erika rolled her shoulders before lining up the gun again. She did the same as before, but hitting a bottle this time. She smiled and lowered the weapon. Her mother instructed her to shoot down a few more. She did as told, and she squealed at her success.

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