Chapter 40

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"Stay girl." Amelia said in a hushed tone. She brought her rifle around her shoulder to her hands. She loaded it and crouched. She began slowly walking towards a bison. As she aimed, the bison began running off in packs.

Amelia scoffed as she looked around. She then saw Astrid chasing after a small rabbit that was running towards the bison. She laughed and shook her head.

"That damn horse," she mumbled, "Astrid!" She whistled.

The horses ears perked up as her attention went back to her owner. She trotted happily over and whinnied.

"You're so easily distracted," she said with a chuckle, "you made me lose my bison, Astrid!" She swatted lightly at the horses nose. The horse simply pushed her nose into Amelia neck.

"You're lucky I love you," she patted her head and walked around to climb up in the saddle. "This time, you'll be tethered to the tree, got it?"

Astrid pulled at her reins and gave Amelia a side glance.

"Oh, don't look at me like that."


Amelia rode next to Arthur on Legacy, matching the size of Arthur's Shire. Amelia looked down at the horse, who seemed content trotting.

Amelia smiled and looked up at Arthur. "I thought you said Bretons were hard to train?"

"The ones I had were hard to train, so don't blame me."

"As you've said before," she began, "it depends on the rider."

Arthur hummed. "You sayin I ain't a good rider?"

"If the boot fits."

"Oh, is that so?" He pulled back on Dukes reins.

Amelia went a little ahead of him, pulling back on Legacy's reins. She shrugged. "Maybe." She smirked.

"Alright, Miss Hot-Shot," Arthur trotted up next to her, "how about tomorrow, we start training?"

Amelia raised her eyebrow. "Training Legacy?"

"Well, seeing as Duke here is already trained, I don't see what other horse I could've meant."

"Very funny," she slightly kicked Legacy's side, urging him forward, "and what if I say no?"

"Then don't come askin me for help."

This time, Amelia pulled back on Legacy's reins, bringing him to a stop. Arthur looked back at her and brought Duke to a stop. Amelia looked angry as he raised an eyebrow.

"What makes you think I would need your help in training my own horse?" She leaned against the horn on her saddle.

Arthur raised his hands. "I'm just sayin-"

"I don't need help, Arthur."

"I didn't say you would-"

"You just did!"

"Look, all I was sayin-"

"You were sayin that I wouldn't be able to train Legacy, right?"

"Will you be quiet for a minute?"

Amelia huffed and stared at him.

"All I was sayin is that Bretons are a multi class horse. That means they can be race horses, work horses, and riding horses. Which means they can be a little difficult to train. Just like Gypsy Cobs."

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