Chapter 52

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A few weeks after Nicholas's birthday, Amelia came down with the flu. She was in bed most of the time, and Arthur had to stay home until she was feeling better to take care of Nicholas. However, she didn't get better. After four days of her throwing up constantly, Arthur sent a telegram to John to bring the doctor here. Within the next few hours, that's what happened.

Arthur was trying to calm Nicholas from his one year old temper tantrum. John quickly took Nicholas as the doctor approached Arthur while Amelia was in the bathroom throwing up.

"What seems to be the symptoms?"

"She's been running a fever for four days, she's throwing up constantly, she hasn't been able to get out of bed except to throw up, she can't keep anything down, I mean," Arthur let out a breath as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I-I don't know what to do."

"Okay, okay," he laid a hand on Arthur's shoulder, "just calm down. Let me go see what I can figure out." He began making his way towards the bathroom where Amelia was.

John approached Arthur with a crying Nicholas. Arthur took his son and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. "Take it easy buddy." He cooed.

"Miss Davis," the doctor crouched down next to her. "Can you sit up?"

Amelia groaned as she sat upright from the toilet. The doctor pressed a warm hand to the front of her forehead. He hummed. "Not running a fever." He pressed something cold to her chest.

She hissed out as it felt like burning. "What the hell is that?"

"Just listening to your heartbeat," he listened closely, "sounds good." He stepped back. "Is there any possible way that you're pregnant again?"

"Again?" She scoffed. She let out a groan as she leaned her head against the toilet seat. "You've got to be joking."

"Let me just have a listen," Amelia leaned back and the doctor placed his stethoscope on her stomach. He listened for a couple minutes before smiling. "Congra-"

"No," Amelia stood up quickly, "you've gotta be kidding."

"Miss Davis," he stood, "you are indeed pregnant."

Amelia rubbed her face, irritated. How could her and Arthur let this happen again? She let out a breath, the cramps in her stomach relaxing. She looked up at him. "How far along?"

"Based on the heartbeat, I would say about four weeks."

Amelia ran a hand through her hair. "Okay," she gestured to the door, "thank you."

Amelia followed the doctor out. Arthur quickly approached him, Nicholas finally calmed down. He reached down for Amelia. She took their son and he leaned his head on her shoulder.

"What is it?" He asked eagerly.

The doctor looked back at Amelia, waiting for her answer. Amelia took in a breath and looked down at Nicholas. "Seems your son here is gonna be a big brother."

Arthur widened his eyes. He looked down at Amelia. "You're pregnant again?"

Amelia nodded. She shifted Nicholas on her hip. "Seems we need to find a bigger place."

"Move again?"

The doctor cleared his throat. Arthur quickly looked over.

"Sorry," he pulled twenty dollars out of his pocket, "thank you." He handed it to him and he took it.

"Have a fine day." Arthur and Amelia watched as the doctor walked outside. John came in from the kitchen and looked between the two.

"What is it?"

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