Chapter 100

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Arthur and Erika joined Amelia and Nick with the small group of the women. Amelia looked up as they joined and stepped away from the group. Arthur pushed Erika forward towards her brother and leaned down to Amelia's ear.

"Erika was getting uncomfortable with one of the guys. She didn't want to leave me, so we came to join you."

"Pa," Erika tapped his arm. He looked down at her. She then pointed behind him. "He's coming this way."

Arthur turned his head to see the man that kept staring at Erika walking towards them. Nick noticed his sister's tense stance and figured out the situation quickly. He pulled Erika behind him, blocking her from the man's view.

The man looked eye level with Arthur as Amelia wrapped her arms around his biceps. He smirked at the pair.

"That girl that was with you," he said, his voice deep and husky, "was she your daughter?"

"What's it to you?" Arthur growled.

"How old is she?"

"Once again, what's it to you?" Arthur answered.

"I was just wondering if we could strike up a deal."

Amelia squinted her eyes. "What kind of deal?"

"I marry her, you guys become rich."

"Marry her?" Amelia hissed. "She ain't even seventeen!"

Erika listened in. She grabbed Nicks hand tightly. He squeezed her hand, showing that she was safe. She leaned her head against his back.

"But you guys would be rich." The man smiled. "She's beautiful."

"Back off, buddy." Arthur said sternly. "You ain't marrying my sixteen year old."

"So the money doesn't interest you at all?"

"My daughter isn't for sale!" Arthur was getting angry.

"What about her?" The man gestured to Amelia.

Amelia scoffed. "Excuse me?"

"I would like to marry someone as beautiful as her. Even you would suffice."

"Are you looking to get your head smashed in, buddy?" Arthur threatened.

The man held up his hands. "No need to get hostile now," he chuckled, "just hand one of them over."

Arthur stepped forward, punching the guy hard across the face. He fell to the ground as Arthur straddled him, continuing to punch him repeatedly. Amelia stepped back towards her kids. Nick quickly stepped away as Amelia pulled Erika out of the way. Nick began to pull at his father's shoulders, trying to get him off the man.

"Pa!" Nick yelled, pulling him off, "Pa! Enough!"

Arthur was dragged off the man. He glared down at him, wiping his bloody hands on his pants. He was breathing heavily. The man covered his face as he bled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Nick yelled, stepping in front of his father. "You can't go beating up a man in front of everyone!" He gestured to the crowd that was around them.

"Did you not hear-"

"Yeah I heard," Nick interrupted, "but that doesn't give you the right to beat somebody up! Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't take that tone of voice with me!"

"I'm gonna because you just caused a damn scene!" Nick argued. "We were supposed to come here and enjoy the evening, not get into a fistfight!"

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