Chapter 61

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The next morning, Amelia decided to take Nicholas to Strawberry with her so she could mail the letter. Sadie joined, just for precaution. Amelia tethered Amberly and climbed down before taking Nicholas and he followed her quickly up the steps of the train station. She walked in and Nicholas tailed behind her. She pulled the letter from the pocket of her coat and laid it on the counter.

The station clerk, Hector Barlow smiled at her. She had come here a couple times for stagecoach robbery tips. He gave her some good leads.

"Hello, Mrs. Morgan," he leaned on the counter, "here for another stagecoach tip?"

Amelia chuckled and shook her head. "Not today, I have my son with me." She picked up the two year old who reached for his mother, "just need to mail this letter to Blackwater."

"Alright," he smiled at the little boy, "and hello there, little Morgan." He waved.

Nicholas dug his face into his mother's neck, not saying a word. Amelia simply smiled and rubbed his back. She then looked back at Hector. "I'll come back in a week to check."

"Sounds good. Have a wonderful day, Mrs. Morgan."

"You too, Hector." She began making her way out of the train station. She walked down the steps and towards where Sadie was waiting with Bob and Amberley. Amelia set Nicholas down and looked over at Sadie. "Wait here with him, I need to run to the general store."

"You don't want me to come with?" Sadie raised an eyebrow.

"I don't need an escort to get food." She winked at Sadie. "I'll be fine."

She shrugged and looked down at Nicholas. Amelia began making her way towards the general store. She walked inside and saw it empty, which was good. She collected the things she needed, which took about ten minutes all together and walked over to the counter. She placed the basket on the counter, and the owner counted all the items before ringing them up.

"Thirty dollars and forty three cents."

Amelia got out the money and counted it before handing it to the owner. Just as he took the money, a gunshot rang from outside. Amelia turned her head back towards the door with a questioning look. She looked back at the owner. "I-I'll be back." She made her way to the door.

When she walked outside, she saw Sadie lying on the ground with both of the horses bucking wildly at nothing. People were running, trying to get away from the chaos. She looked around for Nicholas. He was no where in sight. She let out a breath and ran towards Sadie, helping her to a stand.

"Where's Nick?"

"Micah," she doubled over, clutching her side. Amelia pulled her hand away, seeing a deep stab wound.

"Shit, Sadie," she held her up, "what the hell happened? Where's Nicholas?"

"Micah and Dutch," she took in a heavy breath, "they saw me with Nick and demanded to know where you and Arthur were. I told them to fuck off and Micah stabbed me while Dutch grabbed Nicholas and ran off." She pushed Amelia away. "Go, you need to get your son. I-I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Amelia! Go get Nicholas, please." She leaned against the steps and pointed in the direction they went. Amelia quickly ran over to Amberley and mounted up. She spurred her to follow the way Sadie had pointed. When Amelia got to the end of the road, she looked around frantically. She saw horse tracks, two pairs. She followed them up the road until she lost them.

"Shit," she mumbled. She spurred Amberley back towards town to where Sadie was. She was slowly making her way into the doctors office. When Sadie saw Amelia, she scowled.

"I told you I'm fine, Amelia-"

"I lost the tracks." She interrupted. "I need to go back to the house and get Charles. Are you alright here by yourself?"

She nodded. "Yeah, just go get your son."


Amelia tethered Amberley to the hitching post and ran inside. She saw Charles sitting on the floor playing with Erika when she walked through. He raised his eyebrow at the sight of her alone. He stood, picking up Erika.

"Where's Sadie and Nicholas?"

Amelia couldn't hold back her tears. "Dutch and Micah took Nick," she began, a single tear falling down her cheek, "and Micah stabbed Sadie."

"Oh, Amelia," he quickly walked over and hugged her tightly, "I'm so sorry."

"Where's Arthur?" She looked up at him.

"He needed a break from your unruly daughter, so he's walking the perimeter of the property."

Amelia quickly pulled away from Charles's hug and walked towards the back door. She walked outside and saw Arthur near the back gate. She quickly walked down the steps towards him. He looked back as he heard her footsteps and smiled at his fiancé.

"Hey, sweetheart," he looked behind her, "is Nicholas inside with Charles and Erika?"

"Um," she scratched the back of her neck, "no."

He looked down at her with a questioning look. "Where is he?"

Amelia took in a sharp breath. "Micah and Dutch attacked in town," she began, "they stabbed Sadie and took Nicholas while I was at the general store getting food for the house."

"What?" He holstered his pistol.

"I-I'm sorry, Arthur, I was inside-"

"Darlin, you're fine," he began making his way towards the house, "Sadie in town getting looked at?"

"Yeah," Amelia followed him.

"You stay here with-"

"NO," Amelia said sharply, making Arthur stop in his tracks. He looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. Amelia slammed her foot down on this one. "I was there in town when Dutch and Micah showed up. Therefore, I'm going to look for him."


"Arthur please," she pleaded, "let me take Charles and go look for our son. I was there. And I didn't do anything, I couldn't." She stared up at him. "Please."

Arthur took in a deep breath. "Alright," he ran a hand through his sandy brown hair. "Take Charles. I'll take Erika and go over to John's where we'll be more safe." He leaned down to kiss her. "Please, be careful. I don't want anything happening to you. Get our boy back safe."

"I will," she kissed him deeply. She then ran to the house and to the bedroom to grab her guns from her chest. She grabbed her Semi Auto Shotgun and both of her signature pistols. She also grabbed her bow and some arrows along with her rifle before changing into her comfortable bounty clothes. She clipped on her gun belt and bandolier. She then walked out of the bedroom and towards Charles. She handed him the shotgun.

"Ride with me?" She asked.


Sorry for the short chapter, but this one explains it all!

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